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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2049

Chapter 2049 Angel is happy

But he can only believe that if Summer is really serious, then... how could Spencer have this attitude? And he couldn't possibly be here.

Harlan wasn't sure what the problem was, but he really wanted to see what was going on with Summer.

So, he turned and left.

Spencer still had his hands in his pockets, standing in front of Adelaide and Angel, his cold and stern face showing no extra expression.

There was no kindness or disdain towards Angel, but overall, he had helped her just now.

Angel came to her senses and looked at his face, smiling and gratefully said, "Thank you, Spencer."

"No need to thank me." Spencer looked into her eyes, a slight smile on his lips, then turned and left.

This whole situation threw Adelaide for a loop.

The two women glanced at each other for a few seconds, both dumbfounded.

Spencer was helping Angel??

Why? That's impossible!

Isn't he Summer's friend? Didn't he used to be upset with Angel because of Summer?

This attitude...

Could it be that he doesn't approve of Harlan?

Adelaide couldn't figure it out, and didn't think much of it, as long as the major issues were resolved and the minor ones were overlooked.

She came back to her senses and looked at the woman beside her, who was looking admiringly at the tall figure that had left, with a smile of admiration on her lips.

"Angel." Adelaide called her name softly, "You should be careful, Harlan likes Summer."

The woman turned her eyes, joyfully asking, "Adelaide, do you think... what did Spencer mean just now? He was helping me! Does he like me? Did he figure it out? Did he suddenly realize it?"

Adelaide couldn't explain, but with her years of experience, she was sure that this matter was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.


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