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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2060

Chapter 2060: The Rival Arrives 2

"..." Andrew's first reaction was-this task... isn't part of my job! And it's not something I'm good at either!

But then he looked at the girl in front of him and, in a good mood, replied, "Don't worry, Bubu and I are here." With that, he hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Agnes asked him, her eyes as pretty as black grapes.

"Nothing, let's go inside and keep your sister company so she doesn't get bored."

"Alright, let's go."

At that moment, Summer was alone in the hospital room. Bored, she picked up her phone and a news notification popped up-

The glaring headline made her quickly click on the content. The photos were horrific.

Angel had been beaten up last night! And it was severe.

Even through the screen, she could feel the pain. Her first thought was-

This was no accident!

Who did it?

Was Spencer avenging her again??

Before she could figure it out, the door opened and Andrew and Agnes walked in, chatting and laughing.

"Sis, would you like to try this canned food?" The girl handed her one of the cans.

Summer saw another can in Andrew's hand. A warm feeling rose in her heart. She smiled and shook her head, "I just had an apple. I don't want any canned food. You can have it."

"Sis, if you ever want the freshest canned food, you can ask Andrew. He's really good at making it!" The girl's voice was like a silver bell.

"How do you know that?" Summer asked on purpose, looking at her and then at him.

The sister blurted out, "I'm honored to have tasted it!"

So is there something going on? Ansel has been pursuing her sister, but she hasn't agreed yet.


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