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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2064

Chapter 2064: Angel's Situation

"Sis, maybe it's the medication affecting you..." Agnes looked at her, carefully probing again, "Do you... not want to marry Ming anymore?"

Summer met her sister's gaze but did not answer immediately. A complex look flashed in her eyes. She had been wrestling with this question for a long time and still didn't know the answer.

"Sis, don't think about it now. Just rest and take care of your health," Agnes said to her. "Ming isn't back yet anyway. When he returns, you two will need time to adjust. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, not a game."

"Yes, yes."

At that moment, Angel, covered in tubes, was wheeled out of the emergency room.

After four surgeries, her uterus had been successfully removed, and her broken bones were set. She had narrowly escaped death but would never be able to become a mother.

Still under anesthesia, she looked pale as a sheet, almost lifeless. Her breathing was faint and assisted by a ventilator; her chest barely moved.

Her body was wrapped in gauze like a cocoon, with numerous fractures of varying sizes.

The doctors said it would take at least three months for her to walk again, assuming she maintained good mental health. If not, psychological counseling would be necessary due to the severe trauma she had endured.

Her family had cried their eyes dry during her surgeries. Their eyes were swollen and throats hoarse as they kept vigil by her bed, looking like walking corpses, unable to accept such a devastating blow.

Paparazzi got wind of the situation and snapped photos through the small glass window of the door, capturing Angel at her weakest and most disheveled state. These photos quickly became the latest news online, chasing clicks and views.

Comments from netizens ranged from sympathy and prayers to sighs and speculations, some even gloating or expressing indignation on her behalf.

"Is this the end of her acting career?"

"A star has fallen..."


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