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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2072

Chapter 2072: A Man Comforts Another Man

"I came to check on you," Andrew said as he sat down on the sofa opposite Spencer. "Mr. Marsh gave you a hard time, and I figured you wouldn't be in a good mood. I thought I'd come over to cheer you up."

"Thanks a lot!" Spencer replied irritably, wanting nothing more than some peace and quiet.

"You're welcome!" Andrew responded with a smile, ignoring Spencer's discomfort. "How about we go out for hotpot? My treat. Don't stay cooped up at home; sometimes you need to get out to release some emotions. How about hitting a bar tonight?"

Spencer felt increasingly annoyed by the incessant chatter and asked, "My brother didn't give you any trouble, did he?"

Just then, Andrew's phone rang. The two men exchanged glances as a strange tension filled the air.

Andrew pulled out his phone, and the screen displayed 'Mr. Marsh.' His smile vanished instantly.

Spencer glanced over and saw the name on the screen. "Can't even handle your own problems, yet you're here to comfort me?" he scoffed, leaning back into the sofa. "Answer it. What are you afraid of?"

Andrew, sensing Spencer's amusement at his predicament, reluctantly answered the call. "Mr. Marsh, what can I do for you?"

"Do you still have a backup of the Happiness Real Estate project proposal on your computer?" Ivan's calm voice asked.

"Yes, do you need it?"

"Send me another copy when you have time; it's not urgent."


After three seconds of agonizing silence for Andrew, Ivan ended the call.


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