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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 2087

Chapter 2087: Waiting for Brother's Advice

No matter how long it took, he was willing to wait. Surely, it wouldn't be until two in the afternoon before he could see him? Leaning back in his chair, Spencer took out Rupert Brightwood's file from the document bag. He glanced at it again, unwilling to accept it. Such a perfect person could only exist in novels, right?

Outstanding grades couldn't be faked. Maybe he was just naturally gifted in academics, which is why he always did well and went abroad to study. But holding so many positions overseas-Chief Technology Officer, Director of Operations for a listed company, Project Leader, Executive President-all of which were performed excellently and received high praise from clients? How could one person be involved in so many fields and excel in all of them? If it was true, he was envious! If it wasn't true, he would tear apart the deceitful Rupert Brightwood right in front of Summer!

He had almost memorized the information... every word weighed heavily on his heart. The waiting process was always a bit torturous, but at least he could wait.

Half an hour later, Ivan walked out alone. His tall stature, outstanding appearance, and the gentle aura he exuded when in a good mood always made women easily fall for him. Jennifer was with Monica at the moment; the two girls were talking about pregnancy. Tristan would take them back later; they were currently resting in the lounge with attendants serving them. Ivan felt assured about this.

"Mr. Marsh," the driver stood by the car waiting for him, his eyes fixed on Ivan. As Ivan approached, the driver reported softly, "Spencer is waiting for you in the car."

Ivan was slightly taken aback and looked into the car window before spotting Spencer's car nearby. "Alright." He opened the car door himself. Spencer looked up at him. "Brother," he greeted, having already saved a spot for him.

Ivan glanced at him and stepped into the car, closing the door behind him. The driver waited outside.

"What is it? Speak," Ivan asked, his eyes falling on the documents Spencer held-those he had sent over that morning.

Spencer spoke gravely, "Were these collected from Canada?"

"Of course."

Spencer turned his gaze away. "Have you read them?"


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