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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 853

Chapter 853 Drug Addiction

The sky was getting darker.

Leslie returned home. He was so angry that he didn't eat anything today. After a hot bath, he took a bottle of wine from the cabinet, took out a goblet, and went to the window.

The bright moonlight shone on him. The night was beautiful, but he felt extremely terrible.

Even the air annoyed him.

After a while, his phone rang. He kept frowning all the time.

Leslie looked up and took a sip of the wine. Finally, he put down the goblet calmly and picked up the phone from the table. It was a call from the police station.

He hesitated for a few seconds before answering the call. He turned on the speaker, "Hello."

Putting the phone back on the table, he sat down on the sofa, picked up the wine, and poured it into the glass.

"Leslie." Catherine's distressed voice came over, "What's wrong with the cigarette that you gave me? Why do I suffer so much not having it for half a day? Hurry up and bring me cigarettes..."

Her voice was trembling, and her insanity was transmitted through her breath.

Immediately afterward, he heard her moaning.

Leslie frowned, and said to her calmly, "It's just ordinary cigarettes. It's just a psychological effect. Write your confession first. Your attitude determines your future."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Although Catherine was uncomfortable, she hadn't lost her mind. She got the message in between Leslie's words.

At the same time, she also understood that it was not an ordinary cigarette. But Leslie didn't want to be dragged into it.

In the police station, Catherine was so shocked holding the landline that she lay down on the corner of the table in pain, "Water, I need water..."

She was tenacious!

She must save herself! If Leslie's crimes were revealed, no one would save her.

The prison guard poured her a glass of water. Catherine almost hallucinated.

Her outstretched hand shook in the air a few times, but she couldn't catch the water glass no matter what.

She saw several glasses overlapping... Like the moon in the water, she simply couldn't catch it.


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