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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 871

Chapter 871 Eloise Knows The Truth

When she came to the stairs, she walked down quietly and pricked up her ears to listen to their conversation.

"Finnley, Mya, thank you." Madeline's eyes turned red again. "If you have time, I hope you can spend more time with her."

"Mya, thank you for your tolerance and understanding. Please forgive me for what I did before."

"Mrs. Calder, please don't say that," Mya said in a relaxed tone. "I have forgotten all the unpleasant things."

Eloise went downstairs, feeling strange.

After a while, Finnley and Mya left. Her mother also entered the living room. Eloise hid behind the door and watched her go upstairs.

Suddenly, she felt uncomfortable with her throat, so she covered her mouth with a tissue and coughed a few times.

To her surprise, what she saw on the tissue was blood!

She was totally stunned!

Her fingers holding the tissue were trembling. "Why is there blood?"

Upstairs, her mother came to her room. "Eloise?" She looked around the room but didn't see anyone. "It's strange. Where is her?"

She didn't see Eloise go out just now!


Downstairs, the girl quickly threw away the blood tissue in her hand. She regained her composure and stopped all her guesses and anxieties.

She looked up at the corner of the stairs and said, "Mom."

"Aren't you upstairs? When did you come down?"

"Mom," Eloise smiled and said in a relaxed tone, "I have an appointment with my classmate. I'm going out for a walk. I'll be back soon."

"Don't go out," Madeline said nervously.

"Why?" The girl asked in surprise.

But Madeline couldn't answer.

Feeling uneasy, Eloise was sure that she had to go to the hospital.

She took out her phone and looked at the time. "I'm leaving now. I'll be back soon. And I'll have lunch at home." then she took the car key from the table, turned around, and walked out of the living room.


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