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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 875

Chapter 875 Are You Crazy

Especially when she knew Eloise's identity as Finnley's fiancee, Mya was almost desperate.

But when she knew that Eloise was terminally ill and only had one month, she felt so sad.

Such a young life would suddenly come to the end.

She was thinking about what she would do if she only had one month.

Should she spend more time with her parents?

Or to a place that she had always wanted to go to but had no opportunity to?

To eat her favorite food?

To watch the sunrise and sunset with the one she loved? To be with him every minute and second?

Mya thought a lot and until midnight.

The next morning, Finnley got up early. He looked at the time and drove to pick Mya up.

The alarm clock rang. Mya got up early, washed up, and went downstairs.

"Mya." Clarence stood in the living room with a glass of water and looked at her kindly. "Why do you get up so early?"

"Good morning, dad."

Clarence didn't ask where she was going. "You have a good relationship with Ivan's two kids, right?"

"Alfie and Diana?" Mya replied happily. "I have known them for a long time. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just asked," Clarence said in a relaxed tone.


Mya didn't think too much. She changed her shoes at the door and said, "I'm going to Jacksonville with Finnley. Eloise is in a complicated situation. Please tell mom later."


Clarence had a lot of things to deal with recently, so he had no time to take care of his daughter.

As soon as Mya left, Shirley came out. "What did she say just now? Eloise's situation is complicated? Why is it complicated?"


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