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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 880

Chapter 880 A Woman’s Intuition

After entering the study on the second floor, Chester locked the door inside.

Shirley walked back and forth in the living room and paid attention to the time on the clock. Occasionally, she checked the corner of the stairs. The house was pin-drop silent.

She couldn't rest assured, countless ideas flashing through her mind. In the end, she sat on the sofa while drinking coffee.

Two hours later, she heard footsteps on the stairs.

Shirley quickly looked up and saw Chester come down. "See you, Mrs. Saunders," he bid her farewell politely.

Shirley hurriedly put down the coffee mug and stood up. Before she asked Chester any question, he had walked out of the living room. Soon, he left in his car.

Shirley wondered what he had discussed with Clarence for two hours. Seemingly they didn't think their office was a secure place for the discussion.

Shortly after, the footsteps on the stairs brought Shirley back to her senses. She turned around and saw Clarence.

He wore a black suit. His tall, sturdy figure made him look dignified and solemn. However, he looked pale as he frowned deeply.


Shirley strode towards him and asked worriedly, "Anything wrong?"

Clarence looked over.

She added, "Why did Chester come to our house? This was the first time. What did you discuss? It took you such a long time. Have you solved the problem?"

Her tone was full of uneasiness and worry.

"Some trouble at work. I'm the city mayor, so I have to deal with all kinds of things."

Clarence straightened his suit jacket and sighed. "Chester can deal with them. I've told him how to do it. Don't worry.'

Shirley felt slightly relieved. "I can't help you much. I'm worried about your health, Clarence. You haven't slept well recently."

"I'm alright. I slept better last night," Clarence consoled her, "The soothing tonic works well."


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