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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 908

Chapter 908 Ivan Is Kind

"Why are you still here?" Catherine looked at her, feeling a warm current flow through her heart.

Kerry was sent by Ivan to investigate the situation, and she could not leave unless Ivan asked her to.

"Where else should I be?" Kerry replied softly, "Money isn't the most important thing. You are pregnant and weak. What if you get hungry in the middle of the night? My morality doesn't allow me to leave you alone."

Catherine was deeply moved.

The once strong woman in the workplace had a sore nose. She tried hard to restrain her tumbling emotions and hugged Kerry.

Kerry froze for a moment. Then she slowly raised her hands.

Catherine fell on her shoulders with tears in her eyes. This period of time was really aggrieved. Even the servants bullied her!

At this moment, a tiny bit of kindness was enough to move her to tears.

"Kerry..." Catherine murmured, "Thank you."

"It's okay. I've been a mother too." Kerry reached out and patted her on the back, "Don't think too much, take good care of yourself and the child."

"I will..."

"What would you like to eat?" Kerry let go of her hand and asked, "I'll cook it for you now."

Catherine looked at Kerry with tears in her eyes, "I'd like to have some sushi."

Kerry thought for a while, "I'll see if I can find rice at home. Which flavor would you prefer?"

"All is fine. but are there nori?"

"I'll find a solution." Kerry said, "Take a break first, I'll make a call and ask."


Catherine didn't want to look tired, "I'll take a shower first."

"Be careful, don't fall down."



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