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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 917

Chapter 917 Show Her the Wedding Site

Finnley stroked her head dotingly, "Don't think about negative things."

"It's not negative. I was just wondering."

Facing her sight, Finnley patiently explained, "Don't think about such a boring problem. You are loved and marriage will always be a haven for you."

Mya gave a beautiful smile, staring at him with her big eyes. The man in front of her loved her and was a gentle person.

Finnley looked at the long divorce procession, put his arm around Mya's shoulder, saying, "I guess they are divorcing now because they have never been each other's top choice."

Although the divorcing couples were standing closely to each other, they seemed eager to leave the other.

The men all looked indifferent with no regret, wearing their headphones and playing with their phones.

The Civil Affairs Bureau was a sacred place, everyone who walked out of here would face a brand-new start. They might either walk into marriage or escape from it.

After Mya and Finnley got the marriage certificates, it was already 10 in the morning.

Sitting back in the Maybach, they each held their marriage certificate and took a selfie.

"It was a happy adventure!"

Finnley drove her to the new house and handed the property certificate to her, "This is yours."

Mya took it and took a look, "It's mine?"

"There's no loan, so don't feel pressured." Finnley really loved her and thought she was worth it.

Finnley chose this house. The house came with great view and the courtyard was very large.

Hundreds of wedding planning staff were still busy decorating when they arrived.

The wedding site had just taken its shape.

As soon as the car stopped, Mya turned and looked out of the window. It was a five-story villa.


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