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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 928

Chapter 928 Obsession

Soon, Claire came out of the pantry with a glass of water.

Eloise was sitting on the sofa, empty. "He must be very busy today, right? I don't even have a chance to talk to him."

"Who knows? I didn't get to talk to him either." The girl handed the water glass to Eloise, "Here."

"Thanks." Eloise looked up at her, took the water glass with both hands, and took two sips of water.

"If you're not feeling well, tell me." Claire took the water glass, "I promised your parents that I will take care of you today and do nothing else."

Eloise smiled slightly and weakly, "Don't worry. I'm fine."

At this time, in the yard, Mya had just thrown the bouquet, which was picked up by a young girl from the Russell family. Everyone was very happy.

Famous musicians were performing violin, which sounded beautiful.

Finnley and Mya started toasting. And the guests happily raised their wine glasses. People greeted and chatted, all were very optimistic about this marriage.

The long table in the yard was filled with all kinds of pastries.

The children were having fun at their place too. Alfie and Diana were also there, kept safe by two bodyguards. There were bursts of laughter from time to time.

Jennifer held Ivan's arm. Finnley and Mya walked over with wine. They smiled, looking at each other.

"Mr. Marsh, Ms. Brooks, thank you for being here." Finnley raised his glass.

Mya always had a smile on her face.

"We're glad to be here." Ivan smiled gently, "Congratulations!"

Jennifer smiled as she said happily, "I hope you guys are happy and together forever."


Then they clinked glasses of the good wine.

"We're going to greet other guests. Help yourself!" Finnley told them, "Excuse us."


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