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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 956

Chapter 956 Eloise Passed Away With Regrets

When Madeline dialed Finnley's number, Pierre didn't stop her as he also felt sorry about their daughter.

Eloise was dying, and this is her last night. Pierre didn't think his dignity was more important than this matter.

They called Finnley to see her for the last time to fulfill her wish.

At night, on the big bed in a bedroom of Russell's Villa, Finnley was coaxing Mya. Suddenly, his phone rang.

He checked the caller ID and mute the phone without answering by instinct.

Then he put his phone on the nightstand.

"Why don't you answer it?" Mya asked, "What if it's something important?"

Finnley answered, "Wrong number."

Holding her shoulders, Finnley gazed at her, "Mya, I know you're worried about Dad. He's been a mayor for many years. Besides, Mr. Marsh is helping him. He won't be mistreated at the detention house."

However, Mya wasn't worried about her father but about her own marriage.

She wondered whether Finnley would have been so exhausted if she hadn't married him. He traveled between two cities frequently and took several days off work to stay in the hospital.

"OK. Let's sleep." Finnley lay down gently and said with concern, "You haven't had a sound sleep for several days."

Lying in his arms and nestling on his chest, Mya listened to his heartbeat but was sleepless. She sobered more and more, wondering what the Russell elders thought of this matter.

Since Finnley muted his phone, Madeline couldn't reach him after calling three times.

Watching the scene, Pierre looked sullen, burning with rage.

"Eloise is kind-hearted, letting them get married fast. However, he never visited her but lied to her. What a liar! Eloise has been waiting for him every day."


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