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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 970

Chapter 970 New Life

Seeing Clarence handcuffed, Shirley and Mya held their breaths. Tears sprung into their eyes.

They hadn't seen Clarence for half a month. Mya could tell her father had lost much weight, and more gray hair was on his head.

Mya and Shirley felt sorry for him but couldn't do anything.

Finnley checked on her and propped his arm on her shoulder. He felt sorry for her, silently consoling her.

The trial was dignified and solemn.

When the prosecutor listed all the evidence and Clarence was sentenced to life imprisonment, none in the house was surprised, as they had expected it to happen.

They finally exhaled in relief. After all, Clarence was still alive.

"If Dad's performance in jail is excellent, will he have an abatement from penalty?" Mya asked as she cared about this question the most. She didn't know much about the laws.

Finnley answered affirmatively, "Yes, he will. If Dad can contribute in jail, he will have more chances to leave jail. Our laws are generous."

"Those victims were killed by Leslie Eastwood, but my father only knew about it. I don't think he was involved in them." Mya stared at him and asked, "You've read all the documents. My father isn't that kind of man, right?"

Finnley pinched her shoulders tightly. "Mya, only Dad knows the truth of all those matters. Those are not important."

Disappointment flashed through her eyes. She admired her father the most, but her father's image collapsed.

Finnley said to them all, "The most important now is to cheer up. We must be mentally strong. Life goes on."

Paula peered out the window and said worriedly, "There are still some reporters who haven't given up yet."

"It's alright." Shirley had thought it over. "We don't have to hide like turtles. If they ask questions, just answer them aboveboard."

"OK. I'll go back to work tomorrow," said Mya determinedly. "I'll bravely confront everything and won't be a coward."

Finnley was delighted. "Great." Rubbing her hair, he said, "I'll be with you all the time. Let time resolve the problems. Although netizens can remember news for a long time, Twitter trends also update fast."

Also, Finnley and Mya hoped Paula could take good care of Shirley.

Shirley also replied that she would adjust her mood and wait for Clarence to go home, even if it would take one or two decades.

She wouldn't be negative or commit suicide.


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