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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 972

Chapter 972 Wanting Younger Siblings

Jennifer blushed.

She looked at Ivan, who was smiling. Ivan put his arm around her shoulders, which kind of embarrassed her.

Ivan promised the children in the video, "Okay, I promise. Behave well there. Listen to your grandma and study hard."

"Okay! Daddy! "

Alfie and Diana clapped their hands excitedly, "We are going to have younger siblings!"

"Dad, Mommy, rest early. Don't stay up late, take care."

They waved their little hands, "Goodbye!" Then they hang up the phone.

"What did you promise them?" Jennifer looked at him, shy and dissatisfied, "Don't make random promises in front of the children. We must do as we say. Respect comes from trust."

"I know." Ivan stood up. With a smile on his face, he bent down and carried her up. "Let's go and fulfill our promises now."

"You..." Jennifer's heart was beating violently. They had been married for so long and they slept on the same bed every night, yet even though, when he carried her up, her heart raced.

Jennifer put her arms around his neck and looked up at him.

Under the warm yellow light, his handsome looked like a masterpiece of the god.

His deep and beautiful eyes, his aura... No wonder countless women fell for him.

She came back to her sense only when she was gently thrown onto the bed.

Ivan leaned down and kissed her lips while undoing his tie.

"Do you really take their words seriously? They are just children." Her cheeks were burning hot. She avoided her kiss and stretched out her hand to push him away.

"Yes?" The man's handsome eyebrows frowned, "Who told me just now that we must do as we say in front of children?"

Ivan's voice sounded magnetic. She felt his warm breath close to her ears.

The next second, they kissed.


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