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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 980

Chapter 980 Willing to Lose 1.6 Million

Ivan also emphasized, "Also, I don't want Jennifer to be the last to know about her identity."

"This is the basic respect for her. Do you get it?" Ivan turned his eyes as he walked.

"Yes." Zack wouldn't tell his family about this matter for now.

In the yard, Ivan walked to Zack's car, "Did you drive by yourself?"

"Yup." Zack smiled, "Other people shouldn't know this, right?"

Ivan nodded, and then opened the driver's door for him.

"Thanks." Zack smiled, feeling flattered.

He wasn't used to how Ivan, a legend in the business world of Arkpool City treated him, although Ivan was his son-in-law.

"Drive safe." After Zack got into the car, Ivan closed the car door for him, "May we have a good cooperation, bye!"

Ivan looked so approachable at the moment. He even smiled.

Zack had never seen this side of him.

"Okay, okay..." Zack fastened his seat belt and looked at Ivan, "Mr. Marsh, thank you." He once again said sincerely, "Thank you for taking care of Michelle for me."

Ivan smiled and then stepped back.

He watched Zack start the car and drive away.

Andrew, who had been standing aside, opened the rear door of the Lamborghini but didn't urge him to get in the car.

Ivan didn't enter the car until Zack's car was out of sight.

Andrew closed the car door and went to drive.

When Zack went back to his office, Tristan was there.

When their eyes met, Zack came back to his senses. "Are you... not busy?"

"Mr. Clarke."


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