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Sweet lover Mr Ye novel Chapter 6

Her soft words with unconcealed charm, "I came out to pick you up, I miss you, and I want to see you in the first time, I can’t wait any longer."

Secretary Wu looked at her, he was slightly worried. Her red dress was a little messy. She should have just gotten out of bed.

Although listening to her words, he knew she is here for picking up someone at the entrance of the hotel, but Secretary Wu thought of the order of Mr.Ye, he still went ahead and wanted to stop her.

Outside the hotel, a foreigner just got down from the taxi and held a suitcase in his hand.

Wen Ruoqing saw that Secretary Wu wanted to stop her. She leaned slightly and lifted her left arm which was around her ear. It covered her face. Then she raised her right hand, and waved at the foreign man who was just got off the taxi. Not just waving, also shouting with an happy emotion, “Dear, I see you, I am here.”

The man who just got out of the taxi sneaked a little and looked at the woman who had a smile on her face, he couldn’t help but also give a smile to her. Although he didn’t know her, and he was not sure if she was greeting him, either. But because of courtesy, a smile should be the response.

Then Wen Ruoqing opened her arms and ran to the man with enthusiasm. The secretary Wu wanted to stop her originally, but he stopped the action. Because Mr. Ye just said that do not let anyone leave the hotel, and the girl obviously was coming to pick up the guest who had just arrived. The person who was picked up would naturally return to the hotel, so he should not stop her. It’s not necessary.

Just look at the two person’s behavior, anyone should know that they were lovers, or else it would not be like that.

Girls are really passionate in these days, her lover was already here, and even these minutes were also gets hard to wait. Secretary Wu thought after saw this scene.

However, what surprised Secretary Wu was that the girl who rushed out like a fire did not come to the arms of the foreign man, she quickly came into the taxi and then closed the door at a fast speed.

“Please, drive fast.” On the taxi, Wen Ruoqing's butt has not yet stabilized, she urged the driver to drive faster.

“Hey, hello, what?!” When Secretary Wu realized and chased out, the taxi had already left.

Chapter 6 He is chasing her 1

Chapter 6 He is chasing her 2


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