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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007 

Violet had sel aside Lanssa’s breakfast for her

Larissa ate with reddened cheeks, Kevan and Asler, who had been waiting for her, got up at the same time. Violet brought out a boxful of Die from the kitchen

Don’t forget it’s.She put the box in Kevan’s hands

Alright. Tharks, Mam.Kevan looked at Larissa and asked. Can we go now?” 

Larissa wanted to Ignore him, but in front of Violet, she couldn’t express her emotions right now

Yes,she replied, pulling Aster toward her. She said goodbye to Violet and strode out the door

Kevan smiled in slight annoyance and followed suit

Kevan had told Aster beforehand that they were going to see GreatGrandpa. Thus, all of Aster’s questions on the way there revolved around him

Why is greatgrandpa called GreatGrandpa?” 

Is he Grandpa’s dad?” 

Is GrealGrandpa ferre?” 

If he’s dead, how is he going to eat the pie?” 

Kevan pal endly answered all of his questions

Meanwhile, Larissa looked out the window silently

Kevan sighed Inwardly

It seemed that he had gone overboard last night 

He should have stopped when she began begging him to stop

But the more she cried, the more it excited the beast within him

He pursed his ips and put his legs together

At just the mere thought of it, his blood was rushing to his veins

They bought a bunch of flowers at the entrance of the graveyard. Kevan held Aster in his arms and brought him to the tombstone

We’re here to see you, Grandpa.He got up and used a wet wipe to clean off the dust on the tombstone

Seeing his grandfather, Larissa wasn’t angry anymore

She held Aster and nodded in respect toward the tombstone

GrandpaLarissa looked at the photo of the gentle old man on the tombstone, tears lilling up her eyes. Do you still remember me? I’m Larissa, Kevan’s wife.” 

Whilst she spoke, she brought Aster to the front of her and sald. This is Aster. He’s our son.” 

Just like how Kevan laught him, Aster said. Hello, GreatGrandpa.” 

Kevan never had much to say. He’d said nothing since the wet wipes

Larissa began talking on his behall. Don’t be angry, Grandpa. We actually wanted to bring Aster to you a long time ago, but the dust hadn’t settled yet. We were afraid of Cody

+15 BONOS 


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