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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 225

“I’m not too sure either. I always thought it was Edmund who did it, or else he wouldn’t have made fun of me every time. But I’ve asked him about it before and he said it wasn’t him.”

Elspeth didn’t look convinced at all. “How do you know he wasn’t lying?”

“No. Even though Edmund has a sharp tongue and he likes to gloat, he never lies. When he does, the tips of his ears turn red. He can’t hide it for more than three seconds.”

With his understanding of Edmund, Callum knew that Arthur was the one responsible for all of this.

Does this mean that Arthur has been setting people up since he was a child? Surprised, Elspeth looked at Callum and asked, “In other words, Arthur has been jealous of you since way back. He’s not making a break with the Winthrop Family because he thought that Mr. Winthrop caused his parents’ death. This is solely him acting on his long-time grudge, correct?”

Seeing how quick she was on the uptake, Callum looked at her with an approving look.

“Mhm. You guessed it right. That’s what I was thinking as well. Arthur’s reconciliation with the Winthrops probably has something to do with Alphascape. It might be bad for the Winthrops.”

Elspeth suddenly thought of something. “Have you told Mr. Winthrop to be careful?”

“It’s useless. My father will never want to be wary of Arthur. After all, Arthur is the child he brought up. He won’t think badly of Arthur even if Arthur were to hurt him.”

Callum knew Theodore all too well. Although he could be brutal in business, as a father, he was just a kind, loving man.

“We need to get ready, then. We must not let him get ideas on Mr. Winthrop.”

The corners of Callum’s mouth curled into a smile. “Oh? You’re worrying about your future father-in-law already even though we’re not officially married. Is this a case of love me, love my dog?”

“My foot! I’m just concerned about Mr. Winthrop. He has been nothing but nice to me. I don’t want anything to happen to him.”

Callum patted her head and comforted her in a soft voice, “I know that you are worried about my father, but you have worked too hard, Elspeth. You are always thinking about this and that every day. I think you should start to think about yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

He pulled Elspeth into his arms and rested his chin on her forehead. “Our couple’s lovey-dovey time, of course! Don’t you agree, Mrs. Winthrop?”

He’s doing it again! Feeling flushed and worked up, she felt like a cooked prawn.

She couldn’t understand how a man who had never dated anyone was so skilled at flirting and teasing.

“Callum, you pretend to be indifferent, but you’re actually a surprise package, aren’t you?”

This was a term that Callum had never heard of.

After pausing for a moment, he asked in return, “What’s a ‘surprise package’?”

Elspeth held her forehead in resignation. “Pretend I never said that,” she muttered.

“Say it!” He held her wrists in a tight grip. “Tell me, what does a ‘surprise package’ mean?”

It didn’t sound like a compliment to him.

Finding it hard to say it, she shook her head and blushed. “I don’t know. I was just guessing.”

Callum pursed his lips and the next second…

Elspeth felt like hiding in a hole when he found the meaning on Google.

He read out loud, “A ‘surprise package’ generally refers to people who are quiet on the outside and passionate on the inside. ‘Surprise packages’ don’t easily express and show their emotions and emotional changes, but they would perform in unexpected ways in specific occasions or environments.”

After that, he glanced at Elspeth with intrigued eyes. “Oh, so you think I’m ‘passionate on the inside’ and I ‘perform in unexpected ways’.”

Hearing him say the word ‘passionate’ immediately made her turn red in the face.

“That’s not what I mean…”

She struggled to get out of his hold on her wrists, but he only held on tighter.

“Elspeth, are you trying to do something different with me?”


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