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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Emma browsed through the comments section. Almost all of them were pointing out her flaws and asking her to quit the film, or even stop acting altogether.

Even more, some people forwarded Elspeth’s video to humiliate Emma, indicating that even an amateur acted better than her.

Her body was shaking involuntarily in anger. Waking up to find red spots on her face not only held up her chance to shoot films but also forced her to be admitted to the hospital. To make things worse, even the netizens were criticizing her.

Just as she was feeling utterly upset, Arthur suddenly called her. Taking a deep breath, she read the caller ID on the screen, feeling nothing but irritation.

Nevertheless, she answered the call.

“Hello? What is it, Arthur?”

His voice betrayed a hint of panic, but he managed to hide it. “What happened to you? Have you seen the comments online?”

Emma blamed everything on her bad luck, so she answered sadly, “I have no idea. I woke up to find red spots on my face. However, Elspeth probably has something to do with the comments online. She surely is out to suppress me!”

Just the thought of this matter made Emma grit her teeth.

“Have you ever thought that Elspeth might be responsible for the red spots on your face?”

His words put a frown between her brows. “Really? Elspeth is staying in Damoria for the time being, isn’t she? Besides, I doubt she’s that capable.”

However, Arthur understood Elspeth’s capability to manipulate others very well. Thus, he sneered, “There’s one thing you need to know. Elspeth’s capabilities are beyond what you can imagine. You don’t even know how many identities she is using.”

Thinking that he was exaggerating Elspeth’s abilities on purpose, Emma frowned deeper. “So what? Even if she has exceptional abilities, she can’t do anything to my face, can she? I visited the doctor a while ago. He says that I’m allergic to plants. It might be caused by—”

“What if I tell you her mentor is Sonny Schwartz, the expert on traditional medicine?”

The new information changed everything, and a cruel look formed on Emma’s face. “I get what you mean. What should I do?”

“Keep this between us. For the time being, stay in the hospital to rest and recuperate. I’ll deal with it when the time comes.”

As soon as Emma heard that, her voice turned gentle. “Arthur, thank you so much. I can’t even begin to imagine what I would do without you.”

The man on the other side of the line curled his lips into a faint smile. “If so, meet up with me tonight.”

Emma immediately took the hint. Their meeting wouldn’t be as simple as it sounded. Instead, it would end up being more intimate.

“You’re such a naughty boy.” She feigned shyness on the surface, but she was trying to suppress the feeling of repugnance in her heart.

She decided that once she dealt with the despicable Elspeth, she would dump the clingy Arthur. By that time, Callum would definitely regret breaking up with her.

Meanwhile, Elspeth burst into laughter after she read the comments.

Callum was sitting on the sofa as he took his time to peel an orange for her. Noticing her amused reaction, he smiled slightly. “What is it? Are you that happy just because you dealt with Emma?”

“She had it coming. The negative comments are all over the Internet. It’s hilarious.”

He nodded. “You’re right. Her mistakes are unforgivable, so she has to pay the price.”


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