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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 252

Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me Chapter 252

As Blake was about to greet the familiar face with a smile, his expression turned solemn when he noticed the platinum card in her hand. He wondered why the card was with Lisa. As far as he remembered, the card had always been left untouched in Elspeth’s purse. Moreover, the bunch of keys had the same keychain as Elspeth’s. He couldn’t fathom why it was with Lisa. Don’t tell me…

“Is she a thief?” he whispered to himself. He then hurriedly went up to grab Lisa’s wrist and persuaded her, “Lisa, why are you stealing things? You could let me know if you are broke. I’ll lend you the money. Return the items at once, or you might go to jail if they catch you.” Blake was so worried about her that his forehead was covered in sweat.

Lisa recalled who Blake was and found his words funny yet odd. “Why should I inform you if I’m broke?”

Blake was equally surprised, not knowing why he blurted out such words. “That’s because stealing isn’t right. Moreover, the items that you have stolen belong to Callum and Elspeth.”

Lisa looked at him helplessly upon hearing that. Rumor has it that Blake is a smart guy who can memorize his lines by heart while filming, but why doesn’t that seem to be the case?

“I didn’t steal anything.”

Lisa struggled to free her wrist, but Blake gripped it so tightly that she couldn’t escape. With that, she threw a kick at him, and he finally let go to dodge the kick. Her hand was supple and soft.

“Don’t touch me.” Lisa had taken martial art classes, so defeating Blake wasn’t an issue for her. However, since he was Callum’s brother and Elspeth’s friend, she didn’t intend to hurt him.

Seeing how stubborn she was, he went up to her and hugged her tightly. “Alright, listen to me. I’m giving you a word of advice because you seem naive. Go and return the items.”

“Don’t touch me! I’m not returning them.” Hearing that, Blake had no choice but to carry her in his arms, and the sudden sensation of being lifted startled Lisa. She jerked her shoulders and clutched onto him. It was the first time in 18 years that a man was carrying her, and it felt rather odd.

Blake then entered Elspeth’s room while carrying Lisa in his arms. Elspeth and Callum were chattering and bantering with each other, and they were so surprised to see Blake carrying the blushing Lisa in his arms. Their jaws dropped at once.

“Both of you have made great progress!” Hearing that, Blake finally realized that his actions weren’t appropriate and immediately put Lisa down. Following that, he locked the door, fearing that she would escape.

“It’s not that. She has stolen something.”

Elspeth was surprised upon hearing that; based on her understanding of Lisa’s character, she’d never do something like that. It could be a misunderstanding, but what caused it?

“If you didn’t say that she had stolen something, I would’ve thought you were here to announce your marriage to each other,” Callum said sarcastically.

“That’s not it. She did steal something…” Blake replied in embarrassment.

“I didn’t steal anything.” Lisa was speechless when she saw how silly he looked. How could there be such an idiotic man? she thought.

“I think I know what you mean. Let me introduce her to you. This is Lisa, my private investigator. She is in charge of investigating various matters for me, and I was the one who passed those items to her.” Elspeth then glanced over at Blake and tutted. “I won’t be introducing you. I think she knows who you are at first glance,” she said.

“Of course. I’m pretty famous, after all.” Blake raised his brows.

“No, it’s because she has already run a check on you, including…” Elspeth smiled mysteriously before continuing, “Including the color of underpants you’re wearing. She knows everything.”


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