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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 326

Chapter 326
Hearing the voice, Elspeth finally came to her senses and glanced awkwardly at Helena. There was a guilty note in her voice as she said, “Nothing. I was just considering working.”

Helena beamed widely upon hearing that. “That’s great! We can’t possibly expect Dr. Winthrop to provide for all of us here.”

Arthur replied in a gentle voice, “It’s fine. I can afford to.”

At that point, Helena became increasingly self-conscious upon hearing his words. “That’s not fine! Even if you come from a wealthier family, Dr. Winthrop, you shouldn’t condone Elsie’s slack attitude.”

Slack attitude?!

At that moment, Elspeth made up her mind and was even more determined to work. “I’ve made up my mind to work. From tomorrow onward, I’ll return here once a week.”

In response, Arthur said calmly, “You’re allowed to get a job, but it must be a job in my company.”

He knows where I want to work but purposely stated this requirement! He’s trying to go against me!

At that moment, Elspeth was so enraged that she wanted to punch him.

As for Helena, she smiled upon hearing his words and nodded in agreement. “You’d at least have someone to seek help from if you join Dr. Winthrop’s company. I’d feel much more at ease that way.” After she said that, she suddenly realized something and asked, “But then, is your company in the medical field?”


Instantly, she revealed a surprised smile. “That’s great, then! Elsie went to med school before, so she should be able to adapt to the environment.”

“Mom, I don’t want to work there.” A resigned Elspeth heaved a sigh. “I’ve already sorted out a job. I’ll be reporting for duty tomorrow.”

“Your workplace is in the red light district, right?” Arthur realized he could not convince her, so he had no choice but to bring up the matter and let Helena be the judge.

As soon as Helena received that new information, she nearly fainted out of shock. Instantly, Elspeth noticed her troubled look and quickly supported her arm to help her toward a seat. However, she flung Elspeth’s hand aside. “What sort of place is that?! Are you seriously thinking of working there?!”

At the same time, she supported herself on the railing behind her and tried to calm down. “I know you’re keen to get a job, and I trust that you wouldn’t resort to anything dumb. Tell me, what will you be doing in that company?”

Elspeth took a deep breath. “I was going to keep it a secret from you guys because I was afraid of you all being worried that something bad would happen to me at work. However, Isabel’s condition requires the use of a particular medicinal herb. I’ve made inquiries, and this herb is only available in the private safe of a proprietor in the red light district.”

“So, are you going to take a risk and attempt to steal it?” Arthur could not accept this outcome. He clenched his fist tightly, and a stern look flashed across his eyes.

“If I managed to purchase it, that’d be great, but if I fail in my bid, I’ll attempt that.” She shot him a reassuring look and stretched. “Don’t worry. Nothing bad will happen. I’m not that stupid! I know how to take care of myself.”

That being said, the other three individuals, excluding her, shot her dubious looks.

Isabel felt touched, but she was also fully aware that this was not a matter that could be taken lightly. “Elspeth, I don’t mind leaving my face untreated. Having ugly features isn’t a big deal. Anyway, regardless of my features, you guys love me all the same, right?”

Elspeth glared at her. “Your face was injured because of me. I will never be able to forgive myself if I fail to treat you.”

Helena was well aware of Elspeth’s stubborn streak, so she had no other way of stopping her. As for Arthur, he was the only one left with a scrutinizing look as he stared intently at Elspeth.


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