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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 328

Chapter 328
Callum was thinking the situation over with an unhappy expression. “I hope your CEO keeps his word.”

The manager smiled and extended a polished hand. “Don’t worry. I will not string you along. By the way, my name is Jay Weasley. You can call me Junior too.”

Junior… Callum’s assistant rolled his eyes and almost gagged. This guy looks at least twice the age of Mr. Winthrop! Junior? Pfft! He’s more like a Senior!

Callum said coolly, “Mr. Weasley, what’s the plan of your CEO?”

“My CEO wants me to bring you around. Of course, I will spend all my time with you.” Jay’s hand hung in the air. When he noticed that Callum didn’t want to shake hands, he withdrew his hand without a hint of embarrassment. “You probably didn’t get to travel abroad a lot. There are lots of fun places around. I’ll quickly show you around.”

Callum’s assistant hissed with simmering anger, “Our CEO’s time is precious. He can’t be going on a tour with you.”

“This is a business discussion between the two companies. I believe we don’t need an assistant to school me over and over,” Jay retorted with a smile on his face. Even though he wasn’t furious, he showed that he was highly aware of the situation but chose to put on a professional front through a strong statement.

Callum realized that he had no idea what Bluestone Corp’s CEO was getting at. He kept his dissatisfaction to himself and said coldly, “Well, if your CEO said so, I’d love to be brought around.”

“Mr. Winthrop, you’re easygoing indeed. Don’t fret. I promise that you’d meet our CEO in three days.”

Callum nodded, but this time, his eyes betrayed a hint of exhaustion, which did not escape the assistant’s keen gaze. “Mr. Winthrop, do you want to take a rest if you’re tired?”

Jay gasped in astonishment, “Oh, Mr. Winthrop, looks like you didn’t get enough rest. You do seem exhausted. How about this? I’ll bring you to this great place.”

Callum looked at him icily. “Where to?”

Jay took a sip of tea and smiled wickedly. “It’s the place of every man’s dream.”

Not once did he forget the orders from his CEO to offend Callum Winthrop from the Winthrop Group. He also heard that Callum was distant and unfriendly. He’d love a good challenge of humiliating the difficult and haughty CEO of Winthrop Group.

Although he was reserved in his choice of words, his attitude said it all. The assistant got the hint and blushed. “What are you talking about? What do you take our CEO for? He never visits those entertainment places!”

Annoyed, Jay glared at him and cut him off, “What do you know? If you don’t want to go with us, just stay at the hotel.”

The assistant turned to Callum. “Mr. Winthrop, you can’t visit those places! Take a good look at this man in front of us. If I were you, I’d rather not work with them! Let’s head back.”

The assistant was impatient and restless at his young age. However, Callum did not back off. At the beginning of the meeting, he suspected that Bluestone Corp’s CEO wanted to lure him to Eden and make a fool of him. At this point, he was very sure that fooling him was the plan all around.

They wanted to humiliate him, anger him, and accuse him of not being sporty enough. If he left the scene in a fit of anger, he’d only fall into their trap. He would love to see what tricks they had up their sleeves.

“I’ll go.”

The assistant panicked. “Mr. Winthrop!”


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