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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 335

Chapter 335
Without saying a word, Callum put the phone on mute and turned around to look at Elspeth behind him, who of course recognized whom the voice belonged to. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she instantly pulled a long face. “Coming all the way here after you, eh? Seems like she’s really not gonna give up on you.”

Jealous as she sounded, her response pleased Callum very much. He smilingly lifted a lock of her hair and toyed with it in his hand. “What’s the matter? Are you being jealous?”

Elspeth smacked his hand away with a hard slap. Smoothing her hair with her fingers, she retorted sarcastically, “How could I dare to be jealous? Say, did you mute the phone because you’re afraid she might hear that I’m with you?”

“No, it’s not. It’s just that I don’t want to cause you any trouble.” Callum’s voice dripped with helplessness and affection as he leaned over and pinched her face.

“Hmph!” Elspeth disagreed with a snort.

Hearing no one speak on the other end of the line, Emma grew even more anxious. “Callum, I’m here to attend the Fashion Week, and it occurred to me that you’re here as well. I don’t know anyone else around here, so could you come over to pick me up?”

Any man would have been unable to turn down such a request, but Callum remained imperturbable as usual. “I’m busy at the moment. How about I let my assistant pick you up instead?”

He was apparently giving her the brush-off.

After hearing this, Elspeth finally mumbled, “Mm-hmm,” in satisfaction.

Sharp as Emma was, she immediately took notice of it. “Callum, is someone with you over there? How come I heard a woman’s voice just now?”

“I’m in a meeting.”

Callum said he was in a meeting, but in reality, his hands were naughtily moving along Elspeth’s fingers. Feeling the softness of her fingertips, he couldn’t help but squeeze and toy with them.

“Callum!” Elspeth warned under her breath before pushing him away. She whispered angrily, “Can’t you behave yourself a little?!” Such is how men always misbehave around women!

“Why should I behave myself around you? You’re my girlfriend, no?”

He had never realized before that her hands were actually so soft to the touch. Feeling turned on at once, he turned down the phone’s volume and carelessly tossed the phone aside. Then, he hooked his arm around Elspeth’s waist, pulling her into his arms.

Pushing her hands against the man’s chest, which was coming closer and closer, Elspeth naturally changed the subject, pleading, “Callum, let go of me. Emma is still on the phone. What if she overhears us?”

Callum lowered his head; his eyes were dark and inscrutable in the dim light of the room. “Don’t you want her to overhear us?”

Elspeth looked up and happened to meet his gaze. Her heart skipped a beat; the next instant, he pressed his lips against hers with the intensity of a storm.

Intermittent sounds were coming from the phone left on the soft quilt, but they didn’t affect the couple at all. After a long time, the sounds gradually died away until they were ultimately reduced to complete silence.

Their lips tangled together, Elspeth and Callum smooched amorously with dreamy looks in their eyes. Just when Callum was about to proceed to the next step, she suddenly put out her hands and pressed them against his chest. “Alright, this is enough.”

“Why don’t we continue?” He had no intention of stopping at this point.

She shot him a black look. “What if you suddenly lost your emotional memories again like before? What about me?”

Only then did Callum give up. Suppressing his urges, he gently wiped away the saliva at the corner of her mouth. “Okay.”


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