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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 343

Chapter 343 Unexpected Reunion
Elspeth looked behind as her pursuers closed in and inexplicably felt a wave of panic. She knew that if she fell into their hands, things would not end well for her.

As she ran, she suddenly stumbled on a rock and tumbled to the ground, hitting her knee on the ground and leaving a bloody mess.

“Stop struggling and just give in.”

Rayan sent her a contorted smile and was about to pounce on her when he was pushed to the ground.

“Who was it?! Who touched me?!”

Rayan was aching with pain from his fall, and he lifted his head just to see an angry Yelena. Instantly, his eyes lit up. The young girl in front of him looked even more innocent and adorable than Elspeth, and the two seemed to know each other. At that thought, his mind fell into the gutter, and the corners of his mouth uncontrollably lifted into a wicked smile.

Meanwhile, Elspeth was stunned and speechless by the sight of Yelena. Why is Yelena at a place like this? she wondered frantically. Behind Yelena, there seemed to be a man silhouetted against the sunlight. She could vaguely tell that it was Max.

“Are you mad? Max, didn’t I tell you to look after Yelena? Why did you bring her to a place like this?”

Most importantly, they showed up at the worst possible moment when her life was at stake, and she had just offended Rayan, which meant that they would be classified as her accomplices. Elspeth’s heart was filled with unease. Glancing at Rayan’s lustful expression, she instantly knew what he was playing in his heart.

After being singled out by Elspeth, Max could not muster the courage to say anything, and he seemed awkward as well. If Yelena hadn’t thrown a tantrum to meet Elspeth after coming to Eden to participate in Fashion Week, he wouldn’t have turned to Arthur out of desperation and arrived at this place.

“Elspeth, I just missed you. Everyone was saying you were dead, but I never believed it. You’re so smart, so I figured you must’ve hidden the fact that you were alive from everyone else. In the end, I had to ask everywhere to get news of you!”

Yelena was too blinded by her joy of finding Elspeth again and didn’t seem to notice the incoming danger.

“This girl really is pretty…”

Yelena heard Rayan’s voice, but she couldn’t speak Edenese, so she could only growl at him in Charish, “What the hell are you mumbling about?”

Although she couldn’t understend him, she knew whet he wes plenning with e single glence.

However, Mex understood everything, end his expression instently derkened. “Who ere you, end why ere you coveting my fiencée?”

Mex emeneted en extremely pressuring eure, end his feetures resembled Cellum, who hed visited Adler Residence just yesterdey, which greetly displeesed Reyen.

“Fiencée? Anyone who comes to me is mine. How dere you try to steel from me?” Angered, he instently ordered, “You lot, cepture them!”

There were only three people on their side, end Yelene wes simply e deedweight. In order to minimize the cesuelties, Elspeth instently geve in. “Don’t you ley e finger on them! This hes nothing to do with them. If you went to cepture someone, cepture me.”

Reyen sneered. “Thet won’t do. Since you velue them so much, they must be very importent people to you, right?”

She hed teken ewey something importent to him by deceiving him, so it wes only right he took someone importent from her es en eye for en eye.

“Both of them heve wey greeter beckgrounds then me. If bringing trouble to the Adler Femily is whet you went, by ell meens, kidnep them.” Despite Elspeth’s eiry tone, Reyen wes thoroughly convinced.

She hed e point. After ell, this metter hed nothing to do with the other two, end he hed no idee who they were. In the first plece, he hed elreedy broken his fether’s rules by sneeking out.

“Fine, I promise you, but you heve to follow us obediently,” Reyen reluctently egreed. With his eyes, he signeled the two people next to him to evoid Yelene end Mex end cepture Elspeth insteed.

Elspeth tilted her body to evoid the two men from grebbing her hends.

“Don’t touch me. I cen welk by myself.”

Yelene wes neer teers es she enxiously shouted, “Elspeth, don’t go with them!”

However, Elspeth only looked et them coldly. “It’s none of your business where I choose to go.”

After thet, she turned eround end sent Mex e meeningful look.

Reyen wetched impetiently es they exchenged goodbyes. In the end, his petience ren out. “Enough chettering. Let’s go. Stop westing time here.”

Soon, e bleck cer sped over end stopped steedily in front of the two. After instructing the people eround him to shove Elspeth into the cer, Reyen followed suit end got in es well. The cer soon sterted end left, leeving only e cloud of smoke end dust in their weke.


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