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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 351

Chapter 351 Miscarriage

Callum turned around, and as he left, Elspeth reached an arm out to grab him. However, she stopped abruptly, her hand hanging mid-air. "Callum."

"You didn't have to be so harsh; you know? Look at him walking away with resentment." Arthur smirked.

"Don't bother yourself with that. Either way, I've already said yes. You better treat my mother soon." Elspeth lowered her head and took a deep breath as a sliver of sadness laced her empty eyes.

Arthur thought he would be happy after hearing her words, but instead, he actually felt a little upset, and he asked with mixed emotions, "So you've only agreed to marry me to save your mother, right?"

"Don't you think this is a stupid question?"

Pfft. Do you expect me to fall in love with you when you treated me with that kind of attitude and even threatened me with it later?!

It was a long-foreseen answer. The last sliver of hope in Arthur's eyes faded away, and he said, "Alright, got it. I will treat your mother immediately right after our engagement."

"She only has one month left!" Elspeth turned anxious. She could agree with all of Arthur's conditions, even severing ties with Callum, just to treat her mother as soon as possible. However, Arthur kept delaying it again and again.

"When do you propose our engagement be held then?" Arthur felt his heart growing stuffier by the second when he saw her staring at him with frosty eyes.

"Three days. That's enough for the necessary preparations."

Since they would be engaged, she had to give Arthur the proper respect as well.

After all, Arthur wasn't only representing himself but the Blue Family.

Soon, the whole town heard about Arthur's engagement with a random woman. On the day of the engagement, Arthur suddenly barged in when Elspeth was doing her makeup in her room.

He was dressed in a gray tailored suit that fitted his perfect figure, and the smile in his gaze deepened by the second when he looked at the young woman sitting at the vanity. "I'll give you one last chance. Are you sure you won't regret it?"

Elspeth, on the other hand, only finally directed her attention to the man after she finished applying her lipstick. "At this point, it doesn't matter if I regret it anymore."

Arthur shrugged in response as if accepting the answer. "In that case, let's go downstairs."

She nodded expressionlessly, and Arthur extended his arm like a gentleman, leading her downstairs.

Their engagement party was held inside Winthrop Residence, and as Arthur had gradually become a benchmark in the high society of this place, many naturally showed up for his engagement.

Soon after Arthur led Elspeth downstairs, he had no time to look after her anymore as a group of people surrounded him.

Elspeth was happy to be left alone as well. She headed to a corner and started snacking away while sitting casually on the couch.

In no time, she finished an entire plate of snacks, and it was only when her fitted dress felt a little snug that she stopped eating. At that, she looked toward the glass of red wine next to her.

However, someone else took the glass of adult juice just as she reached for it.

"Are you really sure you should be drinking when you're pregnant?" Elspeth asked unhurriedly while looking at the person in front of her.

"So what? He's not going to be welcomed anyway? So, what does it matter?" Ginna took a gander at her and down the entire glass without a second thought.

"What's wrong?" Elspeth asked in bewilderment. "Did Gilbert not find you?"


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