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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 362

Chapter 362 Humiliation
Things were getting worse at the company by the day. Elspeth didn’t dare to waste any more time, so she fished out her phone and dialed the number she was most familiar with.

The call was soon connected.

“Hello. What’s the matter?”

A cold and distant voice was heard from the other end of the line.

“I need you to help me with something—”

Before Elspeth could finish her words, the man cut her off dispassionately. “No.”

She knew that would be the kind of reply she’d get, but she still couldn’t help feeling hurt.


“Callum, guess what I’ve bought you for lunch. That’s right! It’s your favorite braised beef ribs. Give it a taste.”

The woman’s voice over the phone was piercing.

Without making a guess, Elspeth knew that the woman must be Callum’s fiancée, Jasmine McGrath.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up now.”

Before Elspeth could say more, the call ended. The disconnected tone reminded her that she was no longer in any place to contact him.

Her employees were suddenly heard arguing outside the room, so she kept her phone. She knew that she couldn’t sit back and wait for the company’s demise.

Even if the chance was slim, she had to give it a try.

Since Callum wasn’t willing to talk to her over the phone, she decided to head to his company.

When she arrived at the Winthrop Group, she politely said to the receptionist, “I’d like to see your president.”

She was wearing sunglasses. Apart from her friends and relatives, others wouldn’t recognize her at first glance.

The receptionist had seen Elspeth before. When she realized it was indeed Elspeth, she was surprised, but she was a professional receptionist, after all. As such, she asked with a smile, “Do you have an appointment with the president?”

There was a conflicted expression on Elspeth’s face. After a pause, she took out her phone and showed the receptionist the call log, which proved that she had contacted Callum one hour ago. “The thing is, he told me to come looking for him. We only talked about it over the phone, so there’s no record.”

She had no qualms about lying to the receptionist, who readily believed her, for that was indeed Callum’s personal number. Someone who had the president’s personal number must be a big shot.

For this reason, the receptionist became more polite.

Elspeth summoned her courage and asked, “Can I go looking for him now?”

The receptionist didn’t stop her as she pointed in a particular direction. “That way, miss. The president’s office is on the 18th floor.”

Elspeth adjusted her sunglasses and replied with a smile, “Thanks.”

After walking away from the reception counter, she entered the elevator and pressed the button.

The elevator stopped at the tenth floor, after which a six-foot-tall man entered.

This tall and thin man was pretty good-looking. When Elspeth met his eyes, she could tell that he was awed by her beauty.

However, she didn’t react in any way. Although the man before her eyes was handsome, she was used to being surrounded by gorgeous men. Callum, Gilbert, and Frank were all charming men, after all.

As such, she was immune to the man in front of her.

The man flashed a smile at her and said softly, “I find you familiar, love.”

Did he just call me love when it’s his first time seeing me? Doesn’t he find it tacky?

Elspeth frowned as a hint of displeasure flashed across her face.

“Stop calling me that. I don’t know you.”

When the man heard her voice, he could finally confirm her identity.

“Should I call you Miss Lynwood, then?”

Elspeth was startled when she heard the man calling out to her by her last name without hesitation.


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