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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 405

Chapter 405 The Internet Forgets

Skylar was taken aback by Elspeth’s words. She couldn’t say anything and only smiled to please her. On the other hand, Agnes hesitated momentarily and tried to say something, but Elspeth stopped her with a glance.

“Okay. It’s settled, then. For this advertisement, I’m thinking of shooting it in another two days. Be prepared, guys.” Elspeth looked at Agnes. “Also, you should create an account to gain popularity soon.”

Agnes nodded. For the past few days, she had been busy learning all kinds of photography techniques and had no time to create an account. Now that she had nothing much to do, she could start working on this.

After that, Agnes went back to her place. She hesitated for a second before opening a new account. She had an account before this, but she was an actress back then and had fewer followers. However, since she had good acting skills and was hardworking, she gained a group of loyal fans.

Looking at the account she cherished so much, Agnes braced herself and deleted it. Then, she chose a few photos and made them into a video before posting them on her newly-created account.

Two hours later, her phone began to ring. At first, Agnes assumed someone was spamming her with messages. Plus, she was busy, so she put it on silent mode. However, when she unlocked her phone, she was shocked by what she saw.

Her video had gained over a hundred million likes within two hours. Moreover, all of the comments were appraised.

‘Damn, this is a new account.’

‘I love pretty women. She’s gorgeous, and her body is so pretty. I love her so much. Will you marry me, pretty woman?”

‘I am shy in society but brave on the internet. This is my woman! Don’t you guys dare snatch her away from me!’

‘This is the 1,800th time I have met the woman whom I want to protect at my most vulnerable age.’

‘After being chronically online for the longest time, I’ve become hopelessly delusional. Hello, my dear wife.’

‘You guys only see her for her looks. Have any of you noticed that she used to be an actress?’

‘Agnes! I know her! I loved watching all the films she’s been in. Although she didn’t have many scenes, she put a lot of hard work into it!’

As Agnes scrolled through the comments, she couldn’t help but giggle. They are so fun to read, she thought.

However, a new comment soon appeared at the top.

‘Can’t you guys see that she looks just like Skylar?’

Immediately, the netizens began debating over this.

Agnes knew that such a thing would happen. As she waited for the comments to go on, she saw someone compare her looks with Skylar’s. In the end, they felt that the duo indeed looked similar. However, they only looked alike, and their demeanor was vastly different.

‘It’s clear that she is imitating Skylar. Since Skylar has many followers, she’s using her looks to gain followers. Such a scheming woman.’ The comment criticized Agnes harshly, raking her into the mud.


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