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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 415

Chapter 415 Getting Married This Soon?

“Getting married this soon?” Elspeth muttered involuntarily.

“Yeah. Next month. Will you come?”

Getting married had always been something beyond her plans. They were engaged and made a promise to get married after looking for Helena. However, they ended their relationship upon finding her.

The wedding invitations inflated the sorrow in Elspeth. “No, I won’t.”

The fact that I’m wondering if he’s protecting me a second ago is embarrassing. They’re getting along so well. Why would he have the time to be worried about me? Wake up, Elspeth. You’re getting pathetic.

“Okay.” Callum ended the conversation.

Soon, they arrived at Azure Corporation. She alighted from the car as soon as he stepped on the brake, and her hasty movements caused a nuance in his expression. “It’s pouring. Take the umbrella.”

“It’s fine, thanks.” She shook her head before dashing into the building while hugging the documents.

At the same time, Aldea followed behind Jethro like a chick trailing its hen, yet her slow speed irritated him. He glanced back at her, looking all gloomy because of the shade from the umbrella. “Hurry up. Are you a snail?”

It was not her first time hearing such mockery. Instead of retorting that, she replied in a hoarse voice, “I know, I know.”

It felt like they had turned back in time. The subsequent awkward atmosphere smothered his urge to say anything as he still held the umbrella for her.

While they were in the small space in the car, the tension between them surged in full swing.

Before entering the vehicle, the rain wet Aldea’s shoulder and hair because she wanted to maintain the distance between them.

Jethro could not bear the sight of the lady staying drenched beside him, so he grabbed a piece of cloth from the back seat for her. Despite the frustration sitting upon his brows, she was touched by his action. “Thank you.”

“I just don’t want you to rise in temperature before we get there.”

“Are you worried about me?” She blurted and regretted it immediately. It sounded as if she was narcissistic.

As she had expected, he became surprised. “What are you thinking? Elspeth told me to take you home. If you catch a cold and hinder the schedule, that’ll get in her way.”

“So, it’s for her…” She hung her head low in sorrow.

“I know I should stay out of your life since it’s over between us, but our encounter today is a mere coincidence. Just forget about what happened today.”

Her eyes became teary. “Did you fall out of love with me back when we broke up?”

He was stunned, for he had not expected that question from her. “That is for sure.” There was another reason that he could not bring himself to tell her because it would only add salt to her wound.

She lightly hummed in response before falling into silence. She stared out of the window, watching the rain pour without any inkling of stopping.

The rain was so heavy that they could not see anything. Hence, she chose to close her eyes to take a rest. Meanwhile, Jethro’s mind was in a mess.

Aldea was currently sitting beside him, and he could not focus on the road at all. Due to the downpour, the car skidded off the road and bumped into the fence.


A loud thud resounded. Inertia pushed their body forward, and he banged his head into the steering wheel. Blood began dripping from his forehead, and she only had a scratch on her arm because she managed to cover her head in time.

Once the dizziness faded, she turned her head sideways to check on the unconscious man. For some reason, the airbag did not pop out. After seeing how blood painted the man’s face, she hurriedly called the ambulance before screaming for someone to save them.

There were not many vehicles on that rainy day, but a few cars stopped to check on the situation. The kind onlookers saved them from the car and reported it to the police.


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