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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 470

Chapter 470 How Did She Get Her Hands on This?

It was just a normal little act of intimacy between a married couple, but it felt different after so many people knew about it.

Seeing everyone's excited faces around her, Elspeth wished she could just disappear. Just then, Harper walked up next to her like a savior to her rescue.

"Elspeth, I have something to talk to you about."

Elspeth glanced at the people around her, then faked a smile. "I have something to attend to. Go back to work, and don't talk about anything unrelated to work. If I catch anyone doing that, I'll deduct their pay for one month."

An occasional gossip was fine, but if their pay was at stake, they would know where to draw the line. Hence, everyone quickly lowered their heads and feigned ignorance as they turned their focus on making money.

The coworker who started all this was also chased away with a glare. Elspeth followed Harper to the office. As soon as she sat down, Harper placed a contract in front of her.

"This is a contract we've signed with Hopper Corp, concerning the talent management company. Now, Hopper Corp, wants to break the contract. They even said that 50 million in liquidated damages is nothing to them, but the contract must be terminated."

Elspeth immediately frowned.

It was true that 50 million in liquidated damages meant nothing, but the partnership with Hopper Corp, could greatly benefit Azure. The internet business was thriving, so why wouldn't they want in on the deal?

"Do you know why Hopper Corp, wants to terminate the contract?"

Harper thought for a bit, then said, "I'm not very sure about the details, but according to our intel, in the past three days, Hopper Corp, has had close contact with Arthur Winthrop. Their representative even had a meal with Arthur three days ago, and they seemed to be on good terms."

"And by that, you mean...?"

"I suspect that this is all Arthur's doing. He probably deceived Hopper Corp, or promised them something so that they would terminate the contract without regard for the liquidated damages."

With that, he couldn't help but add, "What the hell is wrong with Arthur? He keeps targeting us for no reason."

Harper wasn't quite informed about their complicated relationship, so he thought Arthur was just being a jerk. Only Elspeth knew that Arthur was pressuring Azure on purpose. He was forcing her to surrender, or perhaps he wanted to get a hold of her lifeline.

If it were before, Elspeth would've talked to Arthur right away to deal with him or negotiate. But she was a different person now. "It's okay. I'll handle this." She chuckled.

"Elspeth, this might be unnecessary, but he's a cunning guy. You have to be careful and watch out for his traps."

Elspeth didn't care about traps. Even when she was alone in the past, Arthur couldn't do anything to her.

Now, she not only had friends, but she also had shares in Joneson Corporation, and also Callum. Elspeth was surprised. She didn't realize it, but she had already placed her trust in Callum.

Still, it was quite a nice feeling.

"I'm glad that you're confident about this. Just tell me if you need me to do anything."

Harper had always been looking out for her. After all, they were friends who had faced death together, so he hoped that Elspeth would be safe and that Azure would be unharmed.

Elspeth nodded as she felt unlimited warmth flooding her heart. After Harper left, she narrowed her eyes as she quickly came up with an idea. She seemed to have decided on a person to plot with.


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