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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 476

Chapter 476 Talk About Your Family

Who knew if Elspeth's words even got through to Jasmine? After all, the young woman just stood there with her head lowered. Then again, she was shuddering. Could she be crying?

However, Elspeth didn't feel bad for her at all, as she didn't deserve pity when her gullibility led her to this.

At that, she walked past Jasmine indifferently into the company.

Later at 10.00AM, she received a call when she was sorting out some documents.

As troubled as she felt when she saw the caller ID, she still answered it.

"Are you in the middle of something, Elspeth? There's something I'd like to talk to you about." Haris didn't talk to her about Jasmine right off the bat, but she knew it'd likely be that.

"I am, actually. Can it wait until I get off work?"

Toward Haris, she still had a modicum of respect as, after all, the man had taught her many things and was practically like a mentor to her.

"Alright, I'll send a car to pick you up. We'll meet up," Haris said composedly.

However, Elspeth didn't agree to it at once, and it seemed that Haris saw through her worry as he added, "Don't worry. This is between you and me. I won't tell Jasmine."

"Alright, see you at six." Elspeth hesitated no more because she knew the elder wasn't lying.

After hanging up, she massaged her aching shoulder and devised a counterattack for the meeting later at night.

She had practically figured out what Haris wanted to tell her—helping Jasmine convince her to divorce Callum.

She was indeed somewhat ashamed to face Haris as she had personally promised him she wouldn't have anything to do with Callum anymore and wouldn't ruin their marriage, after all.

Then again… she didn't actually ruin their marriage. Callum was mostly the one behind the plan, and she was arguably the innocent one that had been dragged into this inexplicably.

It wasn't until Callum came to mind that she realized she'd be going out alone again that night. Hence, she called the man and told him about the situation.

"You're not going." Though it didn't sound like Callum was worked up, it was still a definitive no toward her request.

"Why not?" She picked up a hint of nervousness from his voice.

"I'm worried something will happen to you," Callum said frankly instead of hiding it.

"What's there to be worried about? I'm pretty close to Old Mr. McGrath. I promise he won't do anything to me."

"It might not be as simple as you think. Old Mr. McGrath is Jasmine's grandfather, after all. He'll certainly side with her." All Callum cared about now was Elspeth's well-being. He just didn't want her to receive any harm.

"I know. But I have spent over half a month with him. I don't think he's the unreasonable type."

They had spent a few nights and days together, after all. So, they had a pretty good grasp of each other's true nature. Hence, it was why Haris would speak nicely to her instead of questioning her over the phone.

"Either way, a foolproof plan needs to be in store. How about this? I'll go with you." Callum decided to accompany her personally.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Just the thought of Callum sitting frostily aside, boring into them as they chatted, made Elspeth very uncomfortable. What was more, she couldn't guarantee that Callum wouldn't do anything to Haris.

"How is it not a good idea? You're my wife. Is it wrong of me to follow you around?"

Well, this role sure does make every situation justifiable.

Since Callum insisted, Elspeth didn't turn him down anymore. Instead, she told him to come to her company sooner after he got off work.

And sure enough, a car was waiting outside when she got off work in the evening.

Callum still hadn't shown up, so Elspeth decided to wait at the entrance for a while when the black Maybach's door opened suddenly.

"Elspeth, why aren't you coming in?"

Elspeth had thought Haris would wait for her at their rendezvous, but to her surprise, the elder had personally come.

It flattered her a little, but at the same time, a sliver of bewilderment arose within her.

"Hold on. He's not here yet."

The smile on Haris' face stiffened at once. "Who's he? Callum?"

"Yeah… He said he wanted to join us."

At this point, nearly everyone had heard about her marriage to Callum. Though it wasn't a full-on disclosure, those shrewd would be able to figure it out.

Hence, there was no reason for her to hide it from Haris.


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