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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 496

Chapter 496 Accident

When Hank saw Elspeth and Callum rushing over, he sorted out his emotions a little bit to not look too unkempt.

"How did you hear about this?"

Hank actually found out earlier than Elspeth did, and he was even one flight earlier than her.

"Yelena calls me every day, but she didn't today. When I called her, the person who answered was her assistant who told me everything."

Hank had broken out in cold sweat the moment he heard the news in the afternoon.

He didn't hesitate to end the meeting he was having with his business partner. While he was driving to the airport, he asked his assistant to buy a ticket for him so that he could rush over as soon as possible.

"How is Yelena?" Elspeth asked.

Hank took in a deep breath and answered, "Her high fever is not going away. She even has rashes all over her body. The doctor said it is not looking too good. She needs to get a bone marrow transplant as quickly as possible or else, she could… be gone just like that."

These words were a big shock for Elspeth. She had to calm her emotions before she asked, "Has a suitable bone marrow been found?"

"Not yet, but I have sent my men to look into it. I should be able to get something in three days at the earliest."

Three days were indeed the fastest they could do, but considering Yelena's current condition, they didn't know if she could last another three days.

"I have also asked someone to find a suitable one. It will also take about three days."

Hank turned around and looked at Yelena lying on the bed, her lips and complexion pale. Her initially chubby face had also become sunken. It killed them to look at her in her current state.

"Yelena has always been very lucky. She will be fine this time as well." Elspeth could only comfort both Hank and herself this way.

"I know," Hank uttered before tightly wrapping his hands around Yelena's.

It was only then that Elspeth noticed that Hank was half-kneeling on the floor in order to get closer to Yelena. When he held Yelena's hand and pressed it to his face, he had a devoted look on his face that made people pity him.

"Hank, you must have rushed here too. If there is nothing else, you should take a rest first. Callum and I will be watching Yelena here."

Elspeth could tell from his bloodshot eyes that he must have left work and rushed over here. She wanted to let him take a rest for a while.

"It's okay. I want to look after her." Hank didn't care even if his legs were completely numb.

He knew that Yelena would complain about him not paying attention to her if she didn't see him the first thing after waking up.

"Alright. I'll spread the word to see if there is any suitable bone marrow."

Elspeth then sat down at a table off to one side and opened the laptop she brought with her. She sent messages to people in the organization and assigned more people to look around.

Despite doing all that, she still wasn't satisfied. She quickly turned on her laptop and started to contact a few more hospitals.

That was when her phone suddenly rang.

"Miss Elspeth, did something happen to Yelena?!"

The voice on the other side was extremely anxious. However, even though the environment was noisy, it didn't hide the concern in Max's voice.

"Have you heard about it?"

"Mhm. How is she doing now? Which hospital is she in? Give me the address. I'll be there right away."

Elspeth wanted to tell him, but when she lowered her head and saw Hank in front of her, she suddenly began to hesitate.


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