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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 499

Chapter 499 Take Care Of Yourself

"I said I'll donate my bone marrow to Yelena."

"Bone marrow donation couldn't be easily done just like that. We need to make sure that it's a match before proceeding."

"I know. When I was with Yelena, we did a bone marrow match test. Our bone marrows are a match. At the time, we even promised that if either of us needed it in the future, we would save the other without hesitation."

Still, Callum began hesitantly with a heavy heart, "But you're not in good condition now. I'm afraid that…"

He was afraid that after the operation, Max would lose his life in the process.

Callum didn't finish his sentence, but they both knew what it meant.

"Callum. I just want to save her. I don't care about how long I can live."

Max could barely gasp out his pleadings due to his poor health, begging, "Please. Please help me find a doctor."

Callum furrowed his brows as he gazed at Max, who was pleading with him desperately. Eventually, Callum had no choice but to find a doctor for him.

When he found a doctor, the doctor frowned as he questioned sharply, "Is this really the patient's request?"

"Yes, my brother loves that girl. He's truly insistent on donating his bone marrow to her."

The doctor was moved by Max's love for Yelena and nodded firmly before replying, "Tell him I'll do my absolute best. I'll definitely save her life."

"Thank you, doctor."

As the two were talking, Callum suddenly received a phone call from Elspeth.

"Callum, bad news. Yelena's condition has worsened."

Elspeth seemed to be extremely anxious about Yelena's ailing health. He could even overhear Hank's voice through the phone.

"The whole situation doesn't look good. The operation will have to be carried out immediately." The doctor glanced at Callum anxiously. "Before that, we still need to do a bone marrow match to prevent any mishaps."

Callum didn't hesitate to agree.

So, they swiftly did the bone marrow test, and it turned out that they were really a match.

Hank was surprised when he found out about the news.

He knew that Max didn't have long to live, so he couldn't help but feel awful for the other man.

After Elspeth heard the news, she held Callum's hand and looked at him sadly. "Is Max really dying?"

"I know you can't accept this now, but it's true. I can't do anything about it."

If she was upset about this, then she knew without a shred of doubt that Callum was faring far worse at the moment.

This was his younger brother. His family. Someone that had been by his side for decades.

At this point, there was no concealing her utter despair and frustration about this whole matter. Yelena's illness was already a blow to her. Yet now, Max's life was also coming to an end. Although to an outsider, Max's actions were touching; it was still a decision made on his deathbed. So, how could she not feel angered yet utterly sad about this? She didn't even want to imagine what would happen after this.

Elspeth sat on the bench outside of the operating room as she kept tugging on her hair as though she was silently venting her agitated emotion. Judging from her actions alone, it was apparent that she was visibly distraught.

After more than ten hours, the operation was finally over.

Yelena's condition had stabilized temporarily, and she was soon transferred to the general ward.

As for Max… he never opened his eyes again.

Callum signed the documents and followed them to take Max's body to be cremated. Meanwhile, Elspeth and Hank stayed behind as they took care of Yelena.

Yelena woke up 12 hours later after the operation.

When she opened her eyes, Hank was sleeping soundly beside her.


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