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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 503

Chapter 503 Another Catfight

Looking at the beautiful yet unfamiliar face, the girl couldn't help but feel hostile toward Yelena. The arrogant girl asked, "Who are you? Don't you know this is not a place where you can come and go as you please?"

"I'm a friend." We've broken up, so it wouldn't be appropriate for me to call myself his girlfriend.

"Friend?" The girl looked at Yelena closely and clicked her tongue. "Mr. Damazio can't possibly be friends with people like you."

"What do you mean people like me? Do you have a problem with me? And why can't he be friends with me?" Yelena was furious at the girl's rudeness.

The girl scoffed. "Look at you. You're dressed up like a whore. Mr. Damazio is an elegant man. He wouldn't be friends with a whore."

Yelena laughed mirthlessly. "I guess you're new here, then. You must not know me."

The girl raised her head. "That might be true, but I know him well. There's no way a woman like you can be friends with Mr. Damazio." The girl thought Yelena only came here to hound Hank or annoy him. I can't and won't let her in.

"In that case, do you know I'm his ex?"

A hint of jealousy flashed in the girl's eyes, but it disappeared soon after. "I don't. So, you're his ex, huh? No wonder you're dressed so…"

Fury flared in Yelena's eyes. What's with the personal attack? Annoyed by the girl's smug grin, Yelena stood up and crossed her arms. Fine. Two can play the game. She eyed the girl up and down, saying, "What's your problem with my attire, anyway? I think I'm well dressed. You, on the other hand, are dressed like a nun. Don't tell me you have no curves."

The girl felt humiliated. She wanted to fight back, but she knew she didn't exactly have the perfect body. Defeated, she muttered, "At least I'm not a whore like you."

Yelena then looked at the girl's chest and scoffed. "Really? Then, why did you unbutton your chest button? Not like you can attract anyone with that chest of yours. It's not even big enough to form a cleavage." She had seen too many girls in her industry pulling this stunt. The girl was calling her a whore, but the girl was actually the one trying to seduce Hank. I despise women like her.

The girl covered her chest immediately. Now, she felt angry on top of being humiliated. "It popped open by accident. I'm not like you." Dang, she's sharp, the girl cursed in her mind.

"As if. You're not big enough for any button to pop open by accident."

With that, Yelena came out as the victor. Fresh out of the argument, the girl ran into the firm and closed the door. Then, she looked at Yelena smugly. So what if you won the argument? You still can't come in.


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