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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 505

Chapter 505 Just Kidding

Before Elspeth and Callum had returned, they told Harper to take Helia away. Then, they called Theodore and Margot, asking them to come home. When Callum came back with Max's ashes, the Winthrops were shaken. Everyone was plunged into deep sorrow, especially Margot. She cried her heart out and wouldn't let go of the urn.

Theodore stared at the urn, his lips trembling. "Is he… Is he really dead?"

Callum was in sorrow as well. He grunted in the affirmative.

"My son! Why… How did this happen? How did he die?" Margot's tears wouldn't stop coming. She loved Max the most. He was the youngest among the Winthrop siblings, so his parents naturally showered him with more love. Yet, he was gone. Forever gone. The only thing that was left of him was a pile of ashes. Margot couldn't hold back her heartbreak.

"I know you're sad, Mom. But we can't raise the dead. We can't turn back time, either."

Margot took a deep breath to calm herself down a little. "How exactly did he die?"

"In a race. Max's car was going too fast, and he crashed into something, so…"

Margot gritted her teeth. "Someone probably tampered with his car. There's no way he would have gotten into an accident. He was a great racer." He wouldn't have been chosen for the training camp otherwise. Someone's behind this.

"I understand it's hard to take in, but it is what it is. No one is behind this," Callum lied. He knew the truth, but he couldn't say it out loud. Yelena was related to this in a way, but it wasn't her fault. Still, Margot might not think so. She might blame Yelena for Max's death, and that would spell trouble.

Margot held the urn tighter and cried even harder. "Oh, my poor Max…"

"Alright, stop crying. He's not here anymore. Not like you can bring him back from the dead," Theodore finally spoke up. He was also heartbroken over his son's death, but he was the head of the house, and this was no time for weakness. Besides, his wife's incessant crying was starting to get to him.

"Why can't I cry? He was your son, too. Aren't you even the least bit affected by his death?"

Margot then added, "Oh, I know. You still love Helena, don't you? That's why you don't care about us."

"How many times do I have to tell you that my love for her is long gone? I love you and the family, so stop bringing this up! I know Max's death is affecting you, but it affects me, too! Don't use me as your punching bag," the man retorted in frustration.

Margot couldn't believe Theodore would lecture her at a time like this. "I can't believe—"

"Enough, both of you. We need to decide when to hold the funeral."


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