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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 508

Chapter 508 Murder Most Foul

"You're still acting tough, huh? I'd like to see how long you can hold it up." Jasmine's chest was heaving. She was livid.

"You'll see if it's an act soon enough." Callum's eyes glinted with murder.

"In any case, you guys are locked. Let's see how you escape." She crossed her arms and chuckled.

"Too early to celebrate, Jasmine."

Callum's threat managed to scare Jasmine for a moment, but it lost its effect after a while. "I used to like you, but now, I'm disappointed. Since you want to be with her, you guys will suffer as I did."

She cackled like a mad witch finally succeeding in her devious spellcasting. Just then, thunder roared. Jasmine looked at the ominous sky and frowned slightly. "It's going to rain soon. Time for me to go, then. Have fun, you two." With that, she got into her car and drove off.

The couple exchanged a look, both having their own ideas to escape.

Elspeth tugged on Callum's sleeve as she asked, "So, what's your plan?"

"Don't worry. We'll be fine." Callum patted her head.

Just when he was about to say something, the woman rolled her eyes. "I'm not worried. Just want to know if you have a plan. If your plan's too convoluted, we'll go with mine instead."

"I've sent them a signal. They should arrive soon." His underlings should have gotten the signal for help.

So, we have to wait, huh? Elspeth clicked her tongue impatiently.

Callum was amused by her actions. "So, what's your plan?" Is she going to smash the door with her head?

The thought alone made him smile. Elspeth noticed that, and she knew Callum must be thinking of something stupid.

"Alright, out of my way." She tugged on the lock and picked up a stretch of thin steel thread. She was going to pick the lock.

"You can pick locks?" Callum was surprised, but he let Elspeth do her magic. This wasn't the first time she surprised him. In retrospect, it wasn't surprising that she had another skill.

"I know a lot more than I let on." She looked at him smugly and moved her hands around. Before long, the rusty lock opened up. "I could've picked it faster, but it's rusty."

A hint of delight flared in the man's eyes. "You're awesome."

"Naturally. Alright, it's going to rain soon. We should go back." Just when they were about to leave, a car charged straight out of nowhere and came right at them.

They knew something was wrong. Callum shouted, "Split up!"


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