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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 547

Chapter 547 You Must Grab the Opportunity Yourself

However, was it true that the Winthrop Group was going down?

A few days later, Callum let out the news that the Winthrop Group was going to be bought over by someone.

Immediately, a few powerful tycoons reached out and said that they wanted to buy over the company.

Who didn't want to get their grubby hands on such an empire? Even if they weren't powerful now, the foundation was still there.

However, Callum rejected those who reached out until someone from the Bluestone Corp came; only then did he invite them inside.

To prove his sincerity, Arthur sent his most trusted deputy director over.

Kayne watched as Callum languidly read his book quietly. He was at a loss as to what to say.

"Good day, Mr. Winthrop. I'm Bluestone Corp's—"

"Mr. Orozco. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please take a seat."

Callum's tone was calm, clear, and refreshing, like the small stream in the hills.

Even though Kayne wasn't familiar with Callum, he had heard several rumors about the man. So, he dared not underestimate Callum even when the Winthrop Group seemed to be failing.

"I'm sure you know the purpose of my visit, Mr. Winthrop."

Kayne deliberately trailed off, waiting for Callum to continue the topic.

"Buy over the Winthrop Company, you mean?"

"... Yes."

Kayne didn't expect him to be so blunt. There wasn't even a hint of embarrassment on Callum's face.

That made Kayne uneasy.

"Then, what's your price?"

Kayne recalled what Arthur told him before he came over.

"Our CEO said that price wouldn't be a problem if you are sincere about this."

He smiled smugly since he was the one with the upper hand.

Callum finally placed the magazine in his hands and took a good look at him.

"Arthur told you that?"

Kayne nodded and said confidently, "Of course. Our CEO even said that if you're willing, you could still be the executive director after we buy over the Winthrop Group."

It was shocking how blatantly shameless those words were. If Callum agreed to work under them, it meant that they would be able to monitor his every move.

"How could I be the executive director after my failings at the Winthrop Group? So, it's best that I leave."

Callum lamented before looking him straight in the eye. "Return and tell your CEO that I cannot see even an ounce of sincerity after our meeting today. If he wants to buy over the Winthrop Group, ask him to come here himself."

Kayne's face froze. Not enough sincerity? He's saying that I'm no one!

The sudden slap to the face scared Kayne away. He dared not say anything else as he looked at Callum's dark eyes. Even though Callum didn't say nor do anything, it was enough that chills swept down Kayne's spine.

So, he stiffly rose to his feet and bid Callum goodbye. Yet, Callum didn't even stand to see him off and merely picked up the magazine to read as if nothing had happened.

Kayne's face darkened. He swore that he would tell Arthur how unruly Callum was.

In the end, Arthur agreed to come, but on the condition that Elspeth was there too.


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