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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 550

Chapter 550 Something’s Fishy About Isabel

"I'm not lying to you! We're in a relationship, to begin with! I—"

Yozan wasn't one to be easily fooled, though. Folding his arms across his chest, he replied with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, "All right, I'll believe you if you dare to kiss him."

Cecelia cast a glance at Hank's sullen face before throwing in the towel instantly. "That's so wicked of you! Forget it. I can't bring myself to do that, especially with his girlfriend standing right here."

Yelena shuddered all over at being mentioned all of a sudden. "Huh? Uh, well—"

Yozan replied, "The love story between Hank Damazio and Yelena Sullivan has long been in the news, not to mention their faces were printed so clearly in ‌newspapers and magazines. Do you honestly think I don't know anything because I've just come back from overseas?" The more he watched how Cecelia took advantage of her beauty to purposely go against him, the angrier he got. He couldn't help but put out his hand and pinch her cheek, causing her to wince in pain. "How I wish I could crack your head open and see what the hell's inside."

Hank said, "Alright, you two go ahead and flirt with one another. We're not joining you." With that, he wrapped his arm around Yelena's shoulders and left leisurely, ignoring Cecelia's cries of pain from behind.

Arthur had asked for two days at first. At the last moment, however, he requested a one-day extension of the deadline so that he could have three days to make his decision.

Instead of getting anxious, Callum and Elspeth just waited quietly.

After getting divorced, she moved temporarily into her own villa and told Isabel to go back to her home. Watching Elspeth pack her belongings, Isabel asked with a trace of worry on her face, "Elspeth, are you really moving out of here?"

Elspeth gave her a gentle smile. "Yeah, I'm moving back to my home for now. It's not appropriate for me to live with him anymore now that we've divorced."

Isabel pressed her suitcase down with a determined look. "Elspeth, please take me with you. I can take care of Miss Joneson and do the housework. Just don't leave me alone in that house." In reality, the house was a villa with a garden attached, and its entire layout was designed to her liking. Still, she felt uncomfortable thinking that Gilbert had done this for her. She was so reluctant to return to the house that she would rather live with Elspeth and Helia instead.

Normally, Elspeth would always dance to her tune, but she suddenly became especially distant at this moment. She shook her head, saying, "I'm afraid I can't, Isabel. My mom has gotten kind of ill again, so I have to treat her for that. I may not be able to take care of you for a while, you know."

"I won't be a burden on you two," Isabel replied with her stomach in knots. She was extremely afraid of being abandoned, especially by those whom she cherished very much.

"Why would you say that? You won't be a burden, of course. It's just that I need to treat my mom in complete isolation. If you really want to come over, just wait a few days until I'm done treating her, okay?"

Even though Elspeth relented and even gave in, Isabel couldn't help feeling that something was amiss. She didn't know what it was, but something just didn't feel right. However, now that Elspeth had said so, she had no choice but to stop being unreasonable. She took a step back and watched the lady leave.

Helia sat in the passenger seat with a complicated look on her face. "Elspeth, why aren't you letting Isabel come with us?" It pained her a lot when she saw how disappointed Isabel looked just now. Furthermore, she had a distinct feeling that Elspeth didn't actually want Isabel to come with them. However, Elspeth must have her own reasons for doing so, which was why she didn't speak for Isabel just now.

Elspeth thought about it for a moment. If she really wanted to ensure Helia's safety, she had to tell her the truth about what had happened. "Mom, you noticed that too, didn't you?"


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