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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 552

Chapter 552 I’m Not Gonna Sign This

Seeing that the man was still unrepentant, Callum slammed the document on the desk with a frosty gleam in his eyes, saying, "I'm not gonna sign this."

All at once, Arthur flew into a rage and stopped playing nice with Callum altogether. "Callum, don't you dare be so cheeky with me! I'm only willing to negotiate a collaboration with you now because I still think of you as my brother! You've made so many enemies before who can't wait to kill you! Do you actually think they'll let you off if the Winthrop Group falls into the hands of another plutocrat?" He sounded like he sincerely had Callum's interests in mind.

Callum sneered while looking at the man in complete disappointment. "Arthur, you don't have to hide your motives with such a high-sounding excuse. You're just coveting the Winthrop Family's fortune and wanting to have the Winthrop Group to yourself while you're at it."

Arthur retorted, "Don't push it, Callum! It's fine as long as I'm well-intentioned. Everything else is none of your business. What qualifies you to blame others after leading the Winthrop Group into such a state?" He looked down condescendingly at Callum with the air of a victor. Callum's smart, but it's a pity that something addled his brain and made him bring such a miserable end upon himself.

"I'm gonna ask you one last question."

Arthur frowned. "Shoot! Stop wasting our time." He just wanted to get the contract signed with no intention of touching on everything else.

"Do you know about Max's accident at the car race?"

Arthur's eyes flickered, but his face gave nothing away. "I know that, of course. I hosted that car race, after all."

"Did you have a hand in his death?"

Arthur laughed instead of getting angry. "Callum, do you actually suspect I'd kill my own brother?"

Callum replied, "There's nothing you're afraid of doing, no? You even dared to frame me despite me being your brother. You really think you've left no trace of what you did?" With that, he clapped his hands, upon which Harper carried a man over and threw him inside.

"Ouch!" cried the man in pain while lying on the floor. After rolling over a few times, he finally realized that he was surrounded by people. Startled, he got up immediately.

Arthur's face darkened the instant he saw the man.

Callum said, "So, Mr. Head of the Organizing Committee, tell me how Max died."

Having been threatened and oppressed in every way possible, the man dared not lie at this very moment, of course. Making a clean breast of everything, he answered, "I really didn't want to do this! It was Arthur who used my family to threaten me into tampering with Max's car. I… I really didn't mean to kill him!"

"You *sshole," was all Arthur could mutter menacingly after a long time.

The man held his breath in fear. Obviously, he was too scared to speak after turning Arthur in.

"Do you know what kind of price you'll have to pay for framing me?" Arthur said, threatening the man both explicitly and implicitly with a deliberate emphasis on the word 'price.'

However, such a threat didn't work anymore. Elspeth said impassively, "Stop intimidating him. I've had his family moved to somewhere safe, so your threats aren't gonna work on him."

With his plans going out of control, Arthur's countenance finally changed for the first time. "So what? You guys actually have the mind to worry about other things when the Winthrop Group's in great peril right now?" He let out a snort of laughter. "Callum, I'd suggest that you pretend to know nothing. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what I'll do to the Winthrop Group." In other words, he was threatening to make them feel sorry for it if they refused to let the matter drop.

Callum said, "I'm probably not the one who cares the most about this. Arthur, I never thought you'd actually lay a hand on Max, who was usually the most innocent, just to satisfy your pathetic self-interests. You're so disgusting; someone like you should just go to hell." Then, he threw a glance at the door with an inscrutable expression. "Do you understand everything now?"

Not knowing to whom Callum was saying this, Arthur followed his gaze and looked back, only to realize two figures were standing at the door. He couldn't be more familiar with them—they were none other than Edmund and Blake. Blake had disbelief written all over his face, whereas Edmund felt a chill running down his spine.


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