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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 617

Chapter 617 By Any Means Necessary

Elspeth seemed to have realized the severity of the situation as well. Her expression turned grim.

"The most important thing right now is to find out where this boy came from. It's as if someone is purposely concealing the boy's background. We couldn't find any information on him."

She had a feeling that things were quite so simple.

"I agree," Callum said.

Even so, Elspeth still found the whole thing rather ridiculous. "The boy's address is stated here. Why don't we find a time to drop by and ask a few questions?"

The boy's address was fairly near Winthrop Residence.

"I'm free today. Why don't we head over there now?"

Callum got up to get the car.

However, as soon as he got to the door, he saw someone he never thought he would see.

"Emma Walker?"

Elspeth's body stiffened when she heard the name.

Yena stood at the door and took in Callum's look of shock without feeling ruffled at all. "I think you've mistaken me for someone else."

Callum couldn't be wrong about this.

Although there were a few things about the woman that was a little different, her features and the sense of familiarity he felt from her made him certain beyond a doubt that it was indeed Emma standing in front of him.

"Why did you come here?" Callum asked a different question.

"I'm not here for you. I'm looking for Elspeth."

Elspeth quirked her eyebrows. "You can just come out and say whatever it is you have to say, Miss Hallaway."

"Aren't you going to invite me in? Do you leave your guests standing here at the door?"

Elspeth smirked. "Come on in."

After heading in, Yena took a seat on the couch as if it were her own home. "You should know why I came to see you today."

"If you're here to talk to me about the collaboration, I'm not changing my stance."

Yena let out a helpless sigh. She seemed to find it a pity that Elspeth wasn't willing to reconsider. "You should know that if you wish to make something of yourself in this field, you will need to rely on Alphascape's influence and power."

"Don't make things so complicated."

"What do you mean by that?" Yena couldn't figure out what else Elspeth had up her sleeve.

How can she still be so stubborn when things have come to this?

There's a difference between confidence and overconfidence.

"I'm not at liberty to share."

Elspeth said very little, but it was enough to convey all that needed to be said.

"Since you're so confident, I won't put a damper on your spirits for now. When the time comes, remember not to cry up a storm."

Yena was willing to admit that she had come over today just to gloat, but Elspeth's attitude made her feel like a clown.

The conversation ended unsatisfactorily. Naturally, Yena had nothing else to say so she got up and started leaving. Just then, Callum, who had been silent the whole time, called out to her. "Emma."

"Let me repeat myself. I'm not Emma." Yena was a little taken aback. She eyed Elspeth with a meaningful look that made it obvious she was asking if the latter had informed Callum of her true identity.

Elspeth shook her head ever so slightly.

Yena was relieved at first, but she immediately felt a trace of annoyance.

Just how scared is she that I'll disturb them for her to keep this information a secret?

However, the thought of this improved her mood.


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