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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 633

Chapter 633 Let’s Go Together

"I'm not trying to provoke you. I'm doing all this to get you to join my plan," Elspeth said.

Sonny silently stared at her upon hearing that.

"Have there been any signs of this abroad?" she asked.

In response, he rolled his eyes while putting on his gloves. "No way. For now, we are the only ones infected with it."

"Where do you think this disease could've come from?"

He shrugged and replied, "I don't know. I just know I didn't do it."

Suddenly, an outrageous answer popped into Elspeth's head. "Do you mean someone might have intentionally set off an outbreak?"

As soon as Sonny heard that, he hurriedly slapped his hands over her mouth. "What are you saying? You need to think before you speak!"

"Something's not right. This happened so quickly that it could not have happened naturally."

He sighed and said, "I know you're worried, but don't panic. The source isn't that easy to find. Our task at hand is to find the cure."

The stern look on Sonny's face dissuaded Elspeth from splitting hairs about it and focusing on the work.


Meanwhile, after being in Frank's care for a while, Raquella realized that she, too, could receive such treatment. Soon, the two also grew closer to each other due to the time spent together.

She received a phone call early one morning that caused her face to turn deathly white upon hearing what the other party had said. "What did you say?" she gasped. However, she could not make sense of what she had just heard, but the one thing she was certain of was that those words left her speechless. After the call ended, she silently sat there, clearly taken aback.

At that moment, Frank approached Raquella with a plate of cut fruits. Her motionless figure made him worry that something was wrong, so he waved his hand in front of her face. "What is it? Why are you spacing out?"

Then, tears streamed down her cheeks, and she sobbed, "Frank, my... My aunt is in trouble!"

When Frank heard that, his smile faded, and he asked, "What did you say? In trouble? What kind of trouble?" He knew that Raquella's aunt was the most significant person in her life. After all, this aunt was the person who raised her since her parents passed away when she was just a young child. Moreover, this aunt was her only living family member.

After that, she wiped her tears away, and her voice broke as she sobbed, "Aunt Mariana was infected when she went out to buy some groceries. She's now burning up with a high fever. I don't know what to do."

He frowned in response and remarked, "This is a serious matter." The current situation is so dire that the death toll has risen dramatically, and being infected is equivalent to receiving a death sentence.

"I know. That's why I'm so scared. I know full well how dangerous this disease is." Raquella turned to Frank with desperate and hopeful eyes. "How about I head home right now? What do you think? I can't just do nothing!"

After hearing that, he shook her shoulders to snap her back to reality. "Be rational about this. It's so dangerous out there. How are you going to get back? Even if you do reach home, what can you do? You're not a doctor. You can't do anything. There is a chance that you could become infected as well. What will you do then?"


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