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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 636

Chapter 636 Cohabitation

"Boyfriend?" Mariana didn't expect Raquella to get a boyfriend. There was even a period of time when Mariana was worried because of how little interest Raquella had in not wanting to have a boyfriend.

She knew that Raquella didn't want to be in a relationship. On one hand, it was because she was busy with work and didn't have much time. On the other hand, she was worried that she wasn't good enough for someone else.

Raquella's sense of inferiority stemmed from the absence of her family. This was something that Mariana couldn't make up for no matter what she did.

"What? Please don't listen to him, Aunt Mariana. I'm not his girlfriend!"

Raquella then turned around angrily and glared at Frank. "Stop talking nonsense. There is nothing going on between us!"

Frank merely shrugged. "We're living together. How is that not considered dating?"

"What?" Mariana's eyes went wide. "You're already cohabiting?"

Raquella couldn't find an explanation for a moment there. She could only angrily stare at Frank, who had a mischievous smile on his face before she pinched his arm hard.

He winced in pain. "What's that for?"

"Just teaching you a little lesson."

Frank, however, didn't take her seriously. He pointed at Mariana in front of them. "Look at the look on Aunt Mariana's face. That's the expression of someone who is looking at their daughter who has grown up, no?"

Raquella glanced to the side and suddenly froze. She hadn't expected that blissful expression Mariana wore. "Aunt Mariana, it's really not what you're thinking..." She couldn't explain why her face proceeded to turn red.

Mariana teased, "It's alright. It's normal for young couples to have a lover's spat."

Those words completely eliminated Raquella's desire to explain herself. It didn't matter anymore. People could guess as they liked. So be it.

However, Mariana didn't forget about the main issue. She looked at them still standing at the door without any intention of leaving and grew a little annoyed. "Why are you two still here anyway? I've already told you that my illness isn't something fun. You don't need to come and make a fuss."

"Aunt Mariana, we came here just to take care of you. Look, we've prepared our luggage."

After saying that, Frank quickly carried the luggage into the house and closed the door.

At this point, Mariana had no choice but to put on a mask and invite them in. "I don't need you to take care of me every day. Just stay put during your stay here, and don't cause me any trouble."

Standing at the bedroom doorway, she couldn't help but add another reminder. "If you feel unwell, tell me immediately. Do I make myself clear?"

Mariana then covered her mouth and coughed a few times before she swiftly turned and left.

"Wait, Aunt Mariana. Are we staying in the same room?" Raquella felt a bit helpless as she explained, "We really aren't in the kind of relationship you think we are in. I—"

"I know you young people feel shy in front of me. I know. The thing is, the other guest room is filled with clutter at the moment. It's not convenient to tidy it up now."

Frank went with the flow and carried both of their luggage into the house while smiling and thanking Helena. "Thank you, Aunt Mariana. It's alright. We can share a room."

"Who said anything about sharing a room with you?"

Raquella was about to argue, but Frank held her back.

"Alright, let's not dwell on this. Aunt Mariana is sick now. We shouldn't bother her."

The way he whispered into her ear made them look like two intimate lovers flirting with each other.

Mariana didn't doubt that they were indeed a couple, but she did think that Raquella was just too shy to admit it.


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