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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 638

Chapter 638 Defiance

However, Federick didn't bother with Enrique.

Federick took Yelena's hand and led her outside before he glanced up and down at her.

"Although he's quite unconventional, his makeup skills are good."

"Hmph! It's because I am a natural beauty."

"Yes, yes." Federick flashed a gentle smile. "Do you believe me now? Let's go. We are heading over now."

Yelena nodded in reply. She thought it was just a banquet, but when they arrived, she suddenly felt nervous.

She felt out of place as she watched the stylish and sophisticated people passing by.

Noticing this, Federick nudged her arm.

"What's wrong? Weren't you looking forward to this? Why are you so nervous now?"

Yelena's face turned slightly pink. "I didn't expect to see so many people."

"There are indeed a lot of people at this banquet." Federick smiled and took a glass of champagne handed to him by a waiter while casually getting one for Yelena too.

"What is our purpose for coming here today?" Yelena asked this question without much thought. Upon realizing the silliness of her words, she quickly took a sip of champagne to calm herself down.

"For fun. Nothing much."

"Fun?" Yelena looked at him with confusion and asked the question that she had been thinking about for the longest time. "Who are you exactly? How do you manage to come to a place like this?"

Federick only smirked and winked. "Take a guess."

"Guess, my foot. Why can't you just tell me?"

Having to solve riddles gave her a headache.

"Have you forgotten my last name?"

Yelena looked at his faint smile and suddenly realized that she had been narrow-minded for associating him with the academic genius with a normal background and the village officer from the impoverished countryside.


Yelena struggled to recall this surname. After exploring a certain memory, her eyes went wide.

"You're from the Seanzy Family!"

The Seanzy Family was in no way ordinary. The Sullivan Family couldn't even compare to them.

Moreover, the Seanzy Family's main company was overseas, so there was hardly any chance to meet them in normal circumstances.

"Surprise, surprise." Yelena sighed helplessly. First, it was Hank, and now Federick. Each one of them had an identity that could leave people startled.

But when she thought of Hank, her gaze dimmed in an instant.

I wonder how he is doing now.

I heard that he was seriously ill. Did he get any better?

Wait, why am I thinking about him?

He has already given me the cold shoulder and even blocked me. But here I am, acting like an obsessed ex.

How silly of me!

Yelena inwardly berated herself and forcefully shook her head. However, her actions were noticed by those around her.

"What's wrong? You don't find this place enjoyable? Is that why you're upset?" Federick knew what she was thinking and deliberately asked a different question.

She might get upset if he had gone straight to the point.

"Oh, no, I'm actually quite happy." Yelena forced a smile.

"Since we're here, try not to dwell on your problems, yeah? After all, I brought you here to relax."

Federick then set his wine glass aside and extended his hand toward her.


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