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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 644

Chapter 644 He Doesn’t Care About Those

Elspeth knew that this matter was not so simple. Merely apprehending Jorman wouldn't be enough.

But for now, she couldn't find any leverage against Alphascape Group.

Yena was a very meticulous person. Even the phone number she used to communicate with Jorman was from overseas, which made it difficult to trace.

However, it wasn't entirely impossible.


In the evening, Frank had already prepared the meal and went upstairs to invite Raquella for dinner, only to find her peacefully sleeping in bed.

These past few days of taking care of Mariana had taken a toll on her.

After seeing her so exhausted, he didn't have the heart to wake her up and simply tucked her in.

Perhaps his movements were a bit too drastic, Raquella, who was sound asleep, suddenly woke up. She froze after seeing him crouching beside her with an indulgent smile on his face.

"When did you come in?"

Frank suddenly realized that he had barged into someone else's room without permission and felt a bit embarrassed as he scratched his head.

"I came to tell you that dinner's ready, but you didn't respond. I thought something happened to you, so I came in to check. Turns out you were just too tired and fell asleep. If you want to continue sleeping, I won't disturb you. I can reheat the food for you when you want to eat."

A wave of warmth filled Raquella's heart.

"It's okay. I'll get up now and eat."

She uncovered the blanket and was about to put on her slippers when suddenly she felt dizzy, and her vision blurred.

He clearly noticed her discomfort and his tone carried a hint of anxiety. "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"It's nothing. Maybe I just haven't been getting enough rest lately, so I feel a bit dizzy."

After resting for a while and feeling better, Raquella stood up.

"Let's go."

However, Frank remained standing still. When she turned back and looked at him in confusion, he suddenly turned around and scooped her up in his arms.

"Frank, what are you doing?"

She was startled, but due to inertia, her hands instinctively wrapped around his neck.

"Hold on tight. I'll take you to have dinner."

He secretly flashed a smile, though no one noticed that his ears had already turned crimson.

Just like that, Raquella was carried out to have dinner by him. Under the sparkling gaze of his starry eyes, she gave high praise to the meal he had prepared.

"It's delicious."

His eyes instantly shone even brighter.

"I'll cook for you every day from now on then."

Her expression turned somewhat strange, and she awkwardly smiled.

Couldn't he see that she was speaking without a clear conscience?

The fish was a bit too salty; the rice was a bit hard; the pork ribs, which were supposed to be sweet, tasted spicy, and she couldn't tolerate any spiciness…

However, looking at his expectant expression, Raquella couldn't bring herself to criticize him.

Moreover, she had been busy taking care of her aunt these days, and many things at home were taken care of by Frank. She was grateful to him beyond words.

So, she nodded firmly.

"Okay. Thank you."

However, he suddenly acted like a rogue.

"Well, since you've eaten my food, you have to be my girlfriend."

Raquella choked on her food.


Her face turned red from choking on the food, and after coughing hard, she finally asked this question.


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