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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 646

Chapter 646 She Wants to Go

Yelena's crying stopped abruptly. "But don't overthink it. I have no intention of taking advantage of your vulnerability. It's just that I like you, and I don't want to watch you give up on yourself like this. I just want to tell you that there are so many people who like you, so why can't you let him go?"

"Who is this gentleman? Why didn't you greet me when you came?" A familiar voice came from behind the garden and Slevin sauntered out with a smile. "I apologize for the poor hospitality."

"Are you Slevin?"

As Fredrick looked at the grinning man standing before him, he couldn't help but feel that things weren't as simple as they seemed. However, deep down, he knew the reason behind such a feeling. He possessed a face that seemed kind and gentlemanly, which explained why Yelena fell for him so easily.

"Yes, that would be me. What's your name, sir?"

"Federick Seanzy."

Slevin's eyes flashed when he heard the name. "Oh, so you're the young master of the Seanzy Family."

He really didn't expect that Yelena would know the son of the Seanzy Family. Not only that but judging from the conversation he overheard, this Federick guy liked her.

Didn't this mean he had more competitors?

"Not to be rude, but may I ask, why did you bring her here?" Although Federick's voice was polite, the underlying tone of his voice was impatient.

Slevin stood not too far away and responded cheerily, "No reason in particular. It was just to answer some questions she had."

Federick questioned again, "Then, how did you come to know her?"

He believed that Yelena had never seen this man before. Yet, the man knew her name and face and even approached her with ulterior motives. There was no way he didn't come here with a goal in mind.

"It's not hard to get to know people. Besides, Mr. Seanzy, since you already know my name, you should probably know who I am."

Federick didn't hesitate and replied, "You're from the Damazio Family, right?"

The man retorted, "I am! But I'm also ashamed to admit that I'm not a legitimate child of the Damazio Family."

Federick looked at him coldly. "I know."

Slevin was stunned; he didn't expect Federick to know such a private matter. "Well, since you are in the know, then I see no need in discussing this further."

Regardless, Federick desperately wanted an answer from Slevin. "So, why did you bring her here?"

Yelena was standing nearby, so as long as he told her the truth, she would be able to dispel any inappropriate thoughts she had.

"It's very simple. The person I really like is Yelena. Unfortunately, I had to push her away because of my illness. I just don't want our relationship to end in tragedy." Slevin repeated what he had told Yelena before.

Federick's expression suddenly turned gloomy, and he muttered, "Please tell me the truth."

Slevin was shocked, his mouth agape. "Truth? What truth? I am telling you the truth."

When he saw that Federick was still upset, Slevin joked, "Actually, I accidentally overheard your conversation earlier. Mr. Seanzy, I know that you like Yelena, but the person in Yelena's heart is my younger brother. So, heed my advice and don't do something rash."

At this rate, Federick didn't want to bother wasting his time with someone like Slevin. Thus, he turned to look at Yelena, "Well, do you trust his words or mine?"

Caught in the dilemma, Yelena looked at the two men repeatedly, not knowing what to say. "I have no idea."


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