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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 652

Chapter 652 Yelena Tries the Drug

In the end, Elspeth agreed to Yelena's request, but in order to avoid any mishaps, she stayed in the lab for the whole night, trying to minimize the hazard rate of the new drug. However, she couldn't make the drug entirely safe no matter what she did, not even 90%.

Since this was a matter of Yelena's safety, Elspeth didn't dare to let her guard down.

Meanwhile, Callum felt his heart ache for her when she saw how swamped she was. "Don't overwork yourself."

While rubbing her tired eyes, she explained, "Yelena's still waiting for me at the hospital. Also, the sooner she starts the treatment, the better the effects of the drugs. I can't let her wait that long."

He sighed. "Fine, but promise me you won't overwork yourself."

"Don't worry. I still have to be there to see if she shows symptoms of drug intolerance after taking them, so I won't let anything happen to me before then."

Suddenly, Callum remembered something and said, "I heard there was a troublemaker during your meeting two days ago."

Elspeth gave him a somewhat surprised glance. "How did you know about that? Did Harper tell you?"

"Yes. He told me everything." At the thought of Rufus, Callum felt rather annoyed. "Does he always go against you?"

Resigned, Elspeth replied, "Yes, but I intend to overlook this matter."

"I've done some digging on that man. Maybe you should look into it."

She instantly perked up and asked, "What did you find out?"

"He had some dealings with an employee from Alphascape Group three days ago."

Elspeth frowned. "Alphascape Group is like a ghost that never goes away. They even managed to find a loophole in this."

"It's not Alphascape Group's problem. You have a mole in your lab."

She asked, "What are you planning to do?"

"I plan to deal with him once your research is done so that it won't cause any dispute." Callum rubbed her hair and smiled. "Don't worry about this, and leave it to me. Just focus on your test."

Nodding, Elspeth felt somewhat tired. "Since you put it that way, I'll leave it to you."

Three days later, Elspeth personally brought the drugs to Wohler Central Hospital.

The hospital was a huge quarantine center with thousands of infected people being quarantined there. It was even difficult for each person to get a room. Since Yelena was a special case, Elspeth specially asked the hospital personnel to arrange for Yelena to have her own room to avoid any unsuspecting situations.

Once Elspeth arrived outside the hospital, she was asked to wear protective gear. Then, she brought the drugs to Yelena's room. She knocked but was told by the nursing staff that she could head straight inside.

She nodded and turned the doorknob to enter the room, where she saw Yelena sleeping quietly on the bed. It was obvious Yelena hadn't had it easy recently because her originally plump cheeks were now slightly sunken.


Since Yelena's throat hurt a lot, she could only open her eyes and called Elspeth's name in her raspy voice.

"How are you doing? Is it uncomfortable?" Elspeth sat beside her and held her hand.

On the other hand, Yelena tried to dodge because she knew her sickness was contagious, but then she stopped and felt assured after realizing the other was wearing protective gear.


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