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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 658

Chapter 658 Polemic Journalist

Elspeth ignored him and turned to communicate with the other journalists below.

"What is the meaning of this?" The journalist, feeling ignored, turned grim. "I'm asking you a question. Why are you ignoring me?"

At that, Elspeth glanced at him, and the contemptuous look in her eyes made him itch with anger. "Now is the time for me to tell everyone about the medicine. I don't have the time to respond to your questions."

However, the journalist persisted, insisting on getting an answer. "Why? Is my question not important?"

Elspeth chuckled in response. "They are, but don't you know that you shouldn't interrupt someone when they're speaking?"

Realizing he was rude, the journalist awkwardly touched his nose. "We're in a severe epidemic now, are we not? I'm doing this for everyone's sake. It's normal to be worried and tense."

"In that case, let me answer your question first," said Elspeth as she quirked a brow, leading the journalist to lift his chin arrogantly. "See? How nice it'd have been if you had done it sooner! Why waste time introducing all these useless things?"

Meanwhile, Elspeth glanced sideways at the audience, and Yelena immediately understood and stepped onto the stage. "Since you're so concerned, allow me to tell you about it."

The journalist didn't understand why Elspeth had Yelena come up on stage, so he asked, "If you're going to introduce your medicine, do it. Why invite a celebrity on stage?"

The journalist knew Yelena was a celebrity, but he couldn't fathom why they would have a celebrity endorse something at such a critical moment. Contempt appeared in the journalist's eyes.

Elspeth naturally saw through his thoughts and sneered. "How narrow-minded."

Upon hearing her sneer, the journalist's face immediately turned red. "What are you talking about?"

Elspeth cleared her throat. "You want to know the truth, don't you? Don't interrupt, and I'll give you the answer. Yelena Sullivan was the first trial subject for the new medicine. She contracted the epidemic half a month ago."

Hearing that the infected person stood right before them, the journalists in the front row immediately took a few steps back. Even the journalist who had been arrogant earlier showed a slight change in his expression.

"There's no need to worry, though. She has fully recovered after half a month of recovery treatment," said Elspeth reassuringly.

However, the journalists in the front row remained skeptical, including the one who had spoken up earlier. He found it unbelievable. "So many people have been infected recently, and none of them recovered. How could she possibly be fine?"

Yelena, tired of his constant nitpicking, retorted, "What are you trying to say? Are you saying no one can recover?"

The journalist was rendered speechless, not expecting this seemingly benign girl he usually saw on TV to be so sharp-tongued.

"I didn't mean that…"

"What do you mean, then? Do you not want me to be well?"

Yelena's words made the journalist shake his head at once. "Of course not! Why would I think that?!"

He knew to distinguish between Elspeth and Yelena.

If he offended Elspeth, he would at most be scolded, but if he offended Yelena, he would be thrown into the center of public opinion. Her fanatical fans were not to be underestimated.

"In that case, keep your mouth shut."

Elspeth didn't say anything to stop him, but the smile at the corner of her lips was almost irrepressible. Yelena was truly her best mouthpiece.


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