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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 660

Chapter 660 Mutated Virus

He had originally intended to use the evidence to threaten the Alphascape Group if they reneged on the money, but to his surprise, Elspeth saw through it all.

"You look pretty shrewd to me," Elspeth said, answering his doubts. "As a journalist, preserving evidence is a given, no?"

The journalist couldn't believe his casual habit was seen through so thoroughly. At that moment, he felt completely outmatched.

"Fine… I'll give you the evidence," he agreed while gritting his teeth. "However, you must guarantee my safety. If the Alphascape Group comes after me, you can't let anything happen to me."

Coward, Elspeth mocked while still wearing a saintly smile on her face. "Of course. Since you've entrusted me with such important information, I will definitely ensure your safety."

Not! She certainly wouldn't say that out loud, though.

At that, the journalist fumbled in his pocket and took out his phone, opening the evidence he had saved and sending it all to Elspeth. "Okay, that's it."

Elspeth nodded in satisfaction. "This is good enough. Alright, as promised, I won't do anything to you. You can leave now."

The journalist smiled with relief at once, seeing that she released him so readily.

"Thank you, Miss Lynwood. If there's anything you need me for in the future, please let me know. I'll be at your service."

With that, the journalist trotted away.

"I don't get why you'd let someone like him go," Yelena said with disdain as she looked at his pathetic appearance.

"Do you think Alphascape isn't monitoring me? Of course, they aren't capable of stealing my information. However, what do you think they'll think when the guy they sent left unharmed after our conversation?"

As simple-minded as Yelena was, even she understood the implications this time. "I see. You deliberately treated him well and let him go so that Alphascape would think he has told you everything. They won't let him off the hook when the time comes."

Impressive, truly impressive.

Yelena's eyes twinkled immediately. "Elspeth, you're really amazing! What's it like to have a criminal mastermind as your best friend? It's absolutely wonderful!"

Elspeth shrugged. "That's why I don't need to deal with him personally. Alphascape will naturally send someone to take care of him."

At that, Yelena rubbed her chin. "However, won't we lose our witness if someone from Alphascape goes after him?"

Elspeth smiled but said nothing. The truth would've come to light by then.

Three days later…

"Miss Elspeth, according to our tracker, the journalist was suddenly killed in his own home in the middle of the night."

Elspeth listened to Harper's voice on the phone, her expression unchanged.

She had expected the outcome, so she didn't find it particularly surprising.

The journalist was doomed to die to begin with, for he knew too much.

She had only sent someone to follow him, not to protect him.

"Did you find any evidence?"

"Nothing substantial, but we don't need to find any. That's because I know who did it." Harper's voice carried a hint of relief.

"Who did it?" Elspeth asked, nodding.

"It was our organization."


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