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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 667

Chapter 667 I’ll Destroy It

"No. I found your photo in Daddy's room, so I guessed he must have liked you." Then, Cameron looked directly at Elspeth before continuing, "Elsie, he genuinely likes you. Are you sure you don't want to be my mommy?"

Nevertheless, she was at a loss for words as she stared into his solemn eyes. Then, she said, "Well, Cam—"

"Not only does Daddy like you, but so do I. I don't want any other woman to be my mommy. I only want you. I think you're a nice person."

Elspeth chuckled awkwardly upon hearing this. "Cam, I don't think you can decide on your own. You should ask what your Daddy thinks. I'm also married. I can't be your mommy."

However, Cameron frowned at that and asked, "Why not? You may be married, but you can get a divorce."

A divorce... Do children nowadays believe divorce is as simple as ABC? She nearly choked when she heard that. "Enough, Cam. Don't talk about this anymore. I love Uncle Callum, and I will not divorce him."

Nevertheless, the disappointment on Cameron's face was hard to hide as he asked again, "Are you sure you can't get a divorce and become my mommy?"


In any case, this was merely the perspective of a child. When he saw that Elspeth disagreed with his suggestion, he had no choice but to push the idea to the back of his mind. Then, he insisted, "Okay, but you must still accompany me to Daddy's study. I want to give you a tour."

Ultimately, she couldn't refuse him, so she had no choice but to comply.

Edmund's study room was not particularly large, but it was well-organized. The entire room's decor felt deathly cold, just like him.

Then, Elspeth walked over to the desk, and as expected, there was a photo of her there. However, it was a photograph of her taken from behind, and the only part of her face that could be seen was the side of her head as she turned to look at the camera. Cameron has sharp eyes, as he immediately recognizes me in the photo, whereas I may not have done so.

After that, she picked up the photo and looked at it intently. Due to her interest in the picture, the boy hurried over to talk to her about it. "This is the photo, Elsie. Look… Is the person in this photo you?"

She nodded and replied, "It's me."

"Sometimes, I wonder if I am actually Daddy's son."

Cameron's confession shocked Elspeth as she quickly said, "Cam, you are his son. Of course, you are. Why would you think that?"

"I always feel like he's not the kind of man who would have a relationship and a child with just anyone."

She was about to nod when she suddenly recalled witnessing Edmund getting intimate with another woman while at home a long time ago. That memory instantly dispelled her initial thought. Edmund is not as pure as the boy believed… However, she could not say anything like that to a child, so she nodded agreeably. Instead, she stated, "Your father is a good man."

"Since you won't be my mommy, let's forget about this."

Then, as though Cameron was struck by a sudden thought, he asked happily, "How about I give you a present?"

Before Elspeth could respond, he ran out of the room. She had planned to call him back, but he ran so fast that he soon disappeared from her view. Thus, her only option was to wander around the room and find something to occupy her while waiting.


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