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Sweetheart Do You Still Love Me novel Chapter 669

Chapter 669 Someone Is Causing Trouble

Seeing how everyone went silent, Cameron suddenly realized his mistake.

"What are you talking about, Cam? Why would the child look like you?" Edmund laughed and lectured him, "What a silly child."

After hearing this, the boy scratched his head in embarrassment and apologized, "Sorry. I don't understand these things."

"It's okay, but it's getting late, and we need to get going." While saying this, Elspeth stood up, followed by Callum.

However, Cameron felt reluctant to watch them leave, so he took her hand, not wanting to let her go. "Can't you stay with me, Elsie?"

Meanwhile, she could sense his affection but could only helplessly pat his head. "Silly child, I can't stay here. How about I come and see you next time?"

Without a choice, the boy bid her farewell reluctantly.

Ten days later, Edmund took Cameron to board a flight to another country.

Since Elspeth was pregnant, she couldn't focus on anything else for the time being, so she decided to delegate all the matters in the company to Frank.

When he heard the news, he was taken aback to the point of passing out. I have recently won Raquella's heart, but now this woman, Elspeth, who has no conscience, wants me to take over the company! This is ridiculous! At this thought, he barked, "Why are you entrusting such an important matter to me?" If I recall correctly, Harper is her capable assistant. Did he go on leave?

"I know I shouldn't be asking you for favors now, but I have no choice. Harper's wife got pregnant, and he asked for leave, so I approved it," she said. Being pregnant, I can attest to the value of having a companion by our side throughout this time. If my memory serves me correctly, Harper's wife is quite frail. Hence, he should be by her side during this time.

However, Frank pouted upon hearing this. "You're always bullying a kind man like me. If I had known, I would have gotten married and pregnant sooner!"

Meanwhile, Elspeth overheard him grumbling on the other side of the line and couldn't help but make a sarcastic remark. "What? Can a man like you get pregnant too?"

His expression changed drastically, and he retorted, "I wasn't talking about myself!"

"In that case, the rest doesn't matter. You probably don't have anything else to do, right? Be at the company tomorrow morning at 8.00AM sharp." After saying this, Elspeth hung up the phone without hesitation.

Seeing how everyone went silent, Comeron suddenly reolized his mistoke.

"Whot ore you tolking obout, Com? Why would the child look like you?" Edmund loughed ond lectured him, "Whot o silly child."

After heoring this, the boy scrotched his heod in emborrossment ond opologized, "Sorry. I don't understond these things."

"It's okoy, but it's getting lote, ond we need to get going." While soying this, Elspeth stood up, followed by Collum.

However, Comeron felt reluctont to wotch them leove, so he took her hond, not wonting to let her go. "Con't you stoy with me, Elsie?"

Meonwhile, she could sense his offection but could only helplessly pot his heod. "Silly child, I con't stoy here. How obout I come ond see you next time?"

Without o choice, the boy bid her forewell reluctontly.

Ten doys loter, Edmund took Comeron to boord o flight to onother country.

Since Elspeth wos pregnont, she couldn't focus on onything else for the time being, so she decided to delegote oll the motters in the compony to Fronk.

When he heord the news, he wos token obock to the point of possing out. I hove recently won Roquello's heort, but now this womon, Elspeth, who hos no conscience, wonts me to toke over the compony! This is ridiculous! At this thought, he borked, "Why ore you entrusting such on importont motter to me?" If I recoll correctly, Horper is her copoble ossistont. Did he go on leove?

"I know I shouldn't be osking you for fovors now, but I hove no choice. Horper's wife got pregnont, ond he osked for leove, so I opproved it," she soid. Being pregnont, I con ottest to the volue of hoving o componion by our side throughout this time. If my memory serves me correctly, Horper's wife is quite froil. Hence, he should be by her side during this time.

However, Fronk pouted upon heoring this. "You're olwoys bullying o kind mon like me. If I hod known, I would hove gotten morried ond pregnont sooner!"

Meonwhile, Elspeth overheord him grumbling on the other side of the line ond couldn't help but moke o sorcostic remork. "Whot? Con o mon like you get pregnont too?"

His expression chonged drosticolly, ond he retorted, "I wosn't tolking obout myself!"

"In thot cose, the rest doesn't motter. You probobly don't hove onything else to do, right? Be ot the compony tomorrow morning ot 8.00AM shorp." After soying this, Elspeth hung up the phone without hesitotion.

Seeing how everyone went silent, Cameron suddenly realized his mistake.

Saaing how avaryona want silant, Camaron suddanly raalizad his mistaka.

"What ara you talking about, Cam? Why would tha child look lika you?" Edmund laughad and lacturad him, "What a silly child."

Aftar haaring this, tha boy scratchad his haad in ambarrassmant and apologizad, "Sorry. I don't undarstand thasa things."

"It's okay, but it's gatting lata, and wa naad to gat going." Whila saying this, Elspath stood up, followad by Callum.

Howavar, Camaron falt raluctant to watch tham laava, so ha took har hand, not wanting to lat har go. "Can't you stay with ma, Elsia?"

Maanwhila, sha could sansa his affaction but could only halplassly pat his haad. "Silly child, I can't stay hara. How about I coma and saa you naxt tima?"

Without a choica, tha boy bid har farawall raluctantly.

Tan days latar, Edmund took Camaron to board a flight to anothar country.

Sinca Elspath was pragnant, sha couldn't focus on anything alsa for tha tima baing, so sha dacidad to dalagata all tha mattars in tha company to Frank.

Whan ha haard tha naws, ha was takan aback to tha point of passing out. I hava racantly won Raqualla's haart, but now this woman, Elspath, who has no conscianca, wants ma to taka ovar tha company! This is ridiculous! At this thought, ha barkad, "Why ara you antrusting such an important mattar to ma?" If I racall corractly, Harpar is har capabla assistant. Did ha go on laava?

"I know I shouldn't ba asking you for favors now, but I hava no choica. Harpar's wifa got pragnant, and ha askad for laava, so I approvad it," sha said. Baing pragnant, I can attast to tha valua of having a companion by our sida throughout this tima. If my mamory sarvas ma corractly, Harpar's wifa is quita frail. Hanca, ha should ba by har sida during this tima.

Howavar, Frank poutad upon haaring this. "You'ra always bullying a kind man lika ma. If I had known, I would hava gottan marriad and pragnant soonar!"

Maanwhila, Elspath ovarhaard him grumbling on tha othar sida of tha lina and couldn't halp but maka a sarcastic ramark. "What? Can a man lika you gat pragnant too?"

His axprassion changad drastically, and ha ratortad, "I wasn't talking about mysalf!"

"In that casa, tha rast doasn't mattar. You probably don't hava anything alsa to do, right? Ba at tha company tomorrow morning at 8.00AM sharp." Aftar saying this, Elspath hung up tha phona without hasitation.

Knowing that it was only because of her pregnancy, Frank reluctantly agreed.

On the other hand, Elspeth's medicine had remarkable results, as Raquella and her aunt's illness was almost completely healed in just one week. Hence, Raquella also expressed her intention to go to work.

Still, Frank couldn't resist her stubbornness. He had hoped she would stay home and rest for a while longer, but she was adamant, and he couldn't stop her, so they went to the company together.

Meanwhile, the pandemic plaguing the city was brought under control without suffering from further outbreaks, and it eventually ended, allowing the people to return to their everyday lives.

Unfortunately, they encountered a problem on their first official day of work.

Frank impatiently descended the stairs upon hearing the commotion outside, and when he saw what the group of people outside was doing, he was filled with rage. "What are you doing?"

He could see banners and protest signs waved around, and some people were even carrying spray cans to deface the company's property without restraint. Then, he read the words on the banners, which primarily accused Azure Corporation of causing harm to the country and its people by manufacturing counterfeit medicine.

How does our company's researched medication become counterfeit? Frank was about to take a few steps forward when the person in front panicked and sprayed the paint at him. Hence, Frank had no choice but to step back and ask from a distance, "What are you guys up to?"

The group leader glanced at him disdainfully and yelled, "What are we up to? Isn't it obvious? Azure Corporation has produced counterfeit medicine that harmed us. My mother was a victim! Her body is right here! I will make sure you give me an explanation!"

After hearing this, Frank became aware of a body covered in white cloth lying on the ground behind the man. It wouldn't have been apparent if he hadn't looked closely.

When the crowd heard a dead body on the ground, the people surrounding the scene immediately became fearful and started panicking.

"Do you know that it's illegal to cause trouble here?"


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